Chapter Ninety One

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Chapter Ninety One

We walked out of the restaurant and I had every intention of walking past Miles and Lita but of course, that didn't happen.

"Gem?" Miles asked as soon as his eyes landed on us.

He looked to be in mid-conversation with Lita and now that I was in eyesight his attention was fully on me. Of course, this caused Lita to turn and glare at me but once she saw George here they furrowed in confusion. Yep. She was just as surprised as Miles was.

I was also surprised by how we had to run into them. I wanted to blame George for not walking faster but that would have drawn more attention to us. It didn't seem to matter as they'd seen us anyway and he was speaking to me.

He hadn't wanted me to hang out with George and now he had proof I was. He'd only just given me a ride to school and now here I was with another guy. He probably thought we were on a date or something. Then Lita would probably tell the others she saw us together.

Poor girl probably didn't want to see us either or at least me. She must resent me every time Miles left her to talk to me or care for me. She was justified to feel that way and they had things to discuss, things I was interrupting.

"Hey, Miles." I sighed.

He stood from his seat, leaving Lita to walk up to us. Oh, how I wished he'd stay seated. I didn't mind talking to him but not when he was talking to Lita and not when I was on crunched time! Zayn was going to be at Kaylin's before us if I stayed here any longer. That couldn't happen.

Of course, I couldn't be rude and ignore him. Well, I could but didn't have the heart to do that to him or to anyone. Let's just hope he talked fast.

"What are you guys doing here?" He questioned, looking between the two of us.


"It looks as if they're on a date," Lita smirked, deciding to come up to us as well.

No, and go sit back down, Lita. Take Miles with you!


"You're not on a date, are you?" He questioned, wide-eyed.


"We're on a date, yes, but as friends," George explained.

Could I not speak for myself now? Jeez!

"Oh..." Lita's smirk flattered.

Miles relaxed at this but still didn't seem like he liked seeing us together. He turned to me. "Gem, aren't you supposed to be at work?"

I wanted to groan. One that wasn't his business and two, what part of I needed to leave did these people not understand?! Granted, they didn't know that but still.

"No. I do tomorrow." I explained.

"Oh okay."

"Well anyway, we really should be going. I have to get home."

"Oh, you're going back home?" Miles asked in surprise.

"Yes," I said nervously.

He nodded but didn't say anymore. Obviously, he thought I was speaking about my actual home and wondering why I wasn't at Kaylin's. While George didn't know any different and figured I was talking about my actual home.

"It was nice to see you guys," I smiled politely and Lita shot daggers at me.

Clearly seeing her as the hurt girl as well couldn't change the fact she hated me as well. I guess she could be happy we were leaving and specifically that I was leaving. At least someone was happy.

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