Chapter Fifty-Seven

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Chapter Fifty-Seven

All of my friends had texted me words of encouragement and telling me how much they loved me including Reggie. So Liam had told them all. I felt like crying but I'd cried so much I didn't want to anymore. It felt like I'd just been abandoned by my mom even though that wasn't the case.

She was doing this to protect me and the family I knew she loved. Whether it was perfect or not I knew she loved it and thought she was doing the right thing. For all, I knew maybe she was. Secretly maybe I was the one in the wrong here. Perhaps I could have been a better daughter to both my parents. It could be that I was the only problem here and that was hard to think about.

Kaylin made me hot chocolate before bed and I drank it only to appease and to thank her for all she'd done for me. Liam tried to comfort me as well but I didn't feel much like talking. All I wanted to do was cry but I was just too tired to do so. How had my day gone so terribly wrong?

After some uneasy sleep, I awoke the next morning determined to go to school though I didn't feel like going at all. Kaylin and Liam both suggested I stay home but I refused. No matter how I felt school might keep my mind off other things I was trying to forget right now. On our way to pick up Maggie, Liam attempted to talk to me.

"Gummy bear?" He spoke hesitantly.

"I'm fine." I attempted to shut down the conversation.

"I can tell you're not." He frowned.

Sighing, I turned to him with a frown. "Can't you just pretend not to notice, for me?" I pleaded.

"No, I can't. You know I always know when something is wrong with you." He frowned.

"You know what it is," I said a little hatefully.

He frowned, keeping his gaze out the windshield as he drove. "I'm sorry." He spoke softly.

I turned, gazing out the window as the trees zoomed by. "She's only doing it to protect me. What she thinks is best."

"I'm sorry you both have to deal with that."

I shrugged, "I should be used to it by now."

"That's something you should never get used to." He augured.

"I know."

"Your mom loves you." He claimed and I nodded in response.

"I love her too."

When Maggie got in the car she was her usual cheerful self and I knew it was to attempt to cheer me up. Unfortunately even she couldn't do so today. Right now I needed to focus on other issues such as finishing our project. I'd barely written anything at all lately and I didn't know if he had or not. How had my life gotten so complicated so suddenly? I just didn't know.

I felt like a zombie going through the motions as I walked through the hallways to my locker. Everyone's whispers and jeers at me did little to even bother me right now. I didn't care about any of it or anything they had to say. That didn't even register with the way I was feeling. Was mom dealing with it any better?


I jumped slightly, "What?" I closed my locker door suddenly coming back to reality.

Miles was by my locker looking at me in concern. When had he gotten here? Where were Liam and Maggie? I didn't think they'd be leaving me after everything. So what was going on?

"Hey, Ariel?" Liam's voice rang out.

I looked over seeing the both of them looking at me questionably and worriedly as I turned back to Miles. Something was different but I couldn't quite put my finger on it?

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