Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter Twenty-Six

Certain moments in life were worth more than others. Such as Reggie agreeing to go out with me after what happened. If this had been any other guy, they probably would have left my house and never came back. Reggie was different and I realized that now more than ever.

After bidding Liam and Maggie farewell, we enter Reggie's car and started for Taste of Italy. It was a small Italian restaurant downtown. The food was delicious, and I'd only been a hand full of times. The last being with Liam and Kaylin a year ago.

When we arrived in the parking lot, Reggie opened my door and even took my hand on the way in. At first, it was weird but then I found I liked the feel of my hand in his as we walked up the sidewalk.

"Good evening! Sit anywhere you want," a cheerful blonde waitress greeted us when we walked in the door. We chose a booth to sit in and she brought us two menus.

"Can I start you out with something to drink?" She smiled kindly.

"Sweet tea, please,"

"Same for me," Reggie added.

As she left to fetch our drinks, I turned to Reggie with a grin. "You copied me," I accused.

"No way. You know me better than that." He winked.

"Yeah, sure," I giggled.

"What are you going to get?" He asked.

"I think I'll start with a salad."

He gave me a funny look. "Trying to be a typical girl, huh?" He arched an eyebrow.

"Mr. Namikaze, you're not being sexist, are you?"

"I'd never do that, Miss Young, but I hope you're going to eat something else. Don't try to eat light on my account."

"I usually get more than a salad. Have you never noticed before?"

"Honestly, I never paid attention to how you ate before. If it helps, I will be getting a salad as well."

I looked at the menu, finding what I was in the mood for. "I'm thinking about getting the Stromboli." I smiled.

"I think I'll get pizza then," Reggie smirked.

"I expect this to be a good night," I beamed.

"Guess I better deliver then."

"You ready to order?" The waitress questioned as she returned.

"I'll have pizza and my lovely date here will have the Stromboli," Reggie winked in my direction. My cheeks were most likely as red as my hair as the waitress thanked us, taking our menus.

"You're laying it on thick tonight," I smiled.

"I had to deliver since you agreed to come with me. I'm glad you did by the way. Would have been upset if you hadn't."

"Was it that important to you?"

"It was that important to me. You're important, Ariel," he smiled.

"I was nervous but I'm so glad you asked me out."

"I'm just glad you said yes."

'I'd be a fool not to."

"No, I'd be a fool not to ask."

When the waitress brought our food and we started to eat I realized these were conversations I hadn't had with someone since my relationship with Miles. It had been a long time since I'd felt worth it to anyone. Now I didn't know how to react to the thought that someone else did.

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