Chapter II

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smells like teen spirit

Lauren got out of her car and joined the girls in front of the school "here we are, senior year" Caroline said as they looked at the building "anyone else think this should feel more empowering?" Bonnie asked "ok so prank night was a bust. But we are accepting it and moving on!" Caroline said as they started walking towards the door

"your right," Bonnie said "why should I let the fact that my boyfriend is seeing the ghosts of his ex girlfriends hinder this experience?" Bonnie asked

"yes and why should I let the fact that my boyfriend was turned into a hybrid put a damper on an otherwise fabulous day?" Caroline asked "today is our anniversary." Elena said and they all stopped and looked at her.

"technically, Stefan and I met on the first day of school last year." Elena said "yeah you win." Lauren sighed out "Are you sure you want to be here?" Bonnie asked "I have to be here, I have to put it behind me. New year, new life." She nodded and then headed inside, they all smiled nodded.

Bonnie and Elena started walking but Lauren grabbed Caroline's arm to stop her "Some psycho who's a thousand years old has a thing for me, your boyfriend was turned into a hybrid, bonnies boyfriend cheated on her with a ghost, but Elena's
just got it worse because a vampire drinks blood and isn't dedicating every though and breath to her? Really?" Lauren asked and Caroline shrugged "just play nice." Caroline said, Lauren rolled her eyes before the two walked into the school.


Caroline and Lauren hung up posters for the back to school bonfire when Elena came up to them "I forgot about the bonfire." She told the blondes.

"you have to go. It's our first spirt squad event, and it sets the bar for the whole year." Caroline said "she threatened to drag me there by a leash if I didn't." Lauren told Elena while flashing a fake smile to Caroline.

"Relax I'll be there." She said laughing a little "thank you. It's just that-" Caroline was cut off by Tyler walking up and kissing her "happy first day." He told them, Caroline touched her lip when Elena noticed blood on Tyler's shirt "oh my god." Lauren said, they dragged Tyler into the bathroom.

"What's going on?" Tyler asked "vampire 101. Don't ware your breakfast to school." Caroline told him "chill out it was just a blood bag." He replied

"from where?" Lauren asked as Elena checked the stalls "Rebekah hooked me up." He told the girls "Rebekah? And what are you even talking to her for?" Care asked.

"Klaus told her to keep a watch on me. Protect his new asset." He said smirking "his what?" Lauren asked "why are you so amused by this?" Care asked "I'm his first successful hybrid Caroline. Don't you think that's awesome?" Caroline scoffed and Lauren's phone buzzed "I'll talk to you guys later." She said as she left the bathroom.

"hello?" Lauren asked into the phone "hello love miss me?" An annoying British voice asked "how the hell do you have my number?" She snapped back "I have my ways love." He replied

"stop calling me love." She demanded "alright darling." He replied "what the hell do you want from me?" She asked "just making sure your alright love." The bell rang and she scoffed "don't call me again klaus." She hung up before he replied and put her phone in her pocket, she walked into class and ric had already started talking she just took her seat next to Caroline.

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