Chapter XIII

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Do Not Go Gentle

"So Alaric is trying to pull himself togther, Why is that a bad thing?" Caroline asked as her Elena and Lauren walked into the gym "I just wish there was something more I could do." Elena told the girls "where do you want me to hang this thing?" Lauren asked as she picked up a chandelier

"ugh you know what if Rebekah wanted to hang this monstrosity she should have shown up and done it herself." Caroline exclaimed "just no. What are you doing? The stars aren't supposed to hang down there supposed to trickle." Care yelled at Matt and Jermey "Care you should totally become a drill Sargent." Lauren laughed

"Look at them all bromancey." Care said with a smile as the girls watched matt and Jermey "yeah I asked Matt to help Jermey readjust. Jeremy's got a lot on his mind. The whole thing with Alaric has got him stressed out." Elena exclaimed as she looked through decorations

"are you sure it has nothing to do with witnessing the delena kiss in a skeevy motel?" Lauren asked "I didn't tell you that so you could torture me with it." Elena rolled her eyes "ah that's what friends are for." Care replied

"So who are you bringing to the dance?" Care asked "I thought all of us were going as girl dates." Elena said putting on a boa "Bonnie is taking Jamie and I'm going with Tyler." Care finished looking at Lauren who was avoiding the blondes gaze

"don't worry Lena I'll go with you, or... you could get a Salvatore in a tux." Lauren jokes raising her eyebrows "ok you are taking Stefan end of discussion." Care decided "I am?" Elena asked "yep, he is your epic love and I'm not going down with out a fight." Caroline announced "diddo." Lauren said before waking off


Lauren looked around and saw Bonnie dancing with Jamie and Caroline dancing with Tyler, everyone was surprisingly having a good time "want to dance?" A voice asked "why mr. Donovan I thought you'd never ask." Lauren joked as she took his hand.

They started to slow dance until a voice came from behind them "mind if I cut in?" Matt tensed hearing the British voice "it's ok Matt." Lauren said with a smile. She put a chaste kiss on his cheek and turned to klaus.

The pair started dancing and klaus leaned in so his mouth was next to Lauren's ear "you would have loved the 1920s Lauren, girls were sexy, reckless, fun. They literally used to dance until the dropped." "I suppose that never happened to their partners." She sassed

"you should be nicer to me, I'm leaving town tomorrow, I'd invite you to come with me but we both know your not ready to accept my offer." He said looking into her eyes "perhaps one day. Inevitably one day, you will turn up at my door and let me show you what the world has to offer." She looked him in the eye and what she did next surprised the hybrid.

She put one hand on the back of his neck, the other one on his cheek and kissed him. They pulled apart and he put his forehead on hers "I thought you said this will never happen love. Something about your friends?" He asked "If your leaving town does it matter what they think?" She kissed him again, this time it wasn't a quick kiss but instead a deep kiss full of passion.

"Lauren!" Stefan seethed as the pair pulled apart "I should go." She pointed to Stefan, klaus simply nodded and kissed her one last time before leaving the opposite direction.


They wound up in a room with the Salvatore's, Matt, Bonnie, jermey and Jamie, it turned out Esther was alive, trapped all of them inside the high school, and then kidnapped Elena.

"She does this all the time right?" Jamie asked as he looked worriedly at bonnie who was trying to break the boundary keeping everyone in the school "Mmhmm" Lauren confirmed "what's taking so long? All boundary spells have loopholes." Klaus asked "shut up and she can concentrate." Lauren told him while having her back to him

"people are walking right out of the school, me and Jermey can go." Matt announced "we just have to find Esther and we can stop her." Jermey added on "that would be suicide Jeremy." Stefan said.

klaus sped over to Jamie and grabbed him by the neck "suicide would be disappointing me, now find her." Klaus demanded "klaus drop him." Lauren said rubbing her temples, the hybrid listened immediately

Matt and Jermey went to go find Esther at the spot where she was killed and she almost killed the two of them until Alaric stabbed her with the white oak stake.

It turned out Esther had taken Elena so she could us The doppelgänger to create a new original, evil Alaric, but after he died and alaric was back to normal he decided he didn't want to become a vampire so he was sitting in the Salvatore tomb waiting to die.

Damon, Stefan, Matt, Tyler, Bonnie, Caroline, Lauren, Meredith, Jamie and Jermey all stood outside the tomb, all with unshead tears in their eyes. Elena and Ric walked out of the tomb, Elena went to Stefan while ric stood in the door way and looked at everyone one last time before walking back into the tomb and closing the gate.

After he want back inside everyone went home to pay their respects to their fallen friend.

Lauren and Tyler both walked into her kitchen and she grabbed a bottle of brandy while he grabbed two glasses from the cabinet. Lauren let out a big sigh as she sat on one side of the kitchen island and Tyler stood on the other side and filled the two glasses "To Mr.Saltzman." Tyler said as he raised his glass "To Alaric." Lauren agreed and drank.

The two teenagers sat in silence as they both nursed their drinks and thought of their fallen friend.

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