Chapter XX

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Damon, Tyler, Elena and Lauren were in Tyler's living room trying to figure out a way to get the hostages out of the grill and away from Tyler "Stefan." Elena said when she noticed her boyfriend walk in. She ran to his side and they hugged

"where the hell have you been?" Damon asked his brother "coming up with a plan." Stefan replied "we have a plan, I'm going to rip Connors heart out and feed it to him." Damon explained

"that's not a plan, we need to be careful. Connor had Jermey and who knows how many hostages." Stefan reprimanded his brother "Hence the open heart surgery." Damon smirked

"Damon's right. Connors strong but he won't be able to take all of us." Elena told her boyfriend "I called in the hybrids to help." Tyler added

"my mom put squad cars blocking the streets. They're saying it's a faulty gas pipe so we're all good to go." Caroline said as she walked in "Great, no cops, no witnesses, no reason to wait." Damon snarked "Hold on, were not all going." Stefan demeaned

"he shot me like 9 times, I'm going." Tyler demeaned "he's got Jermey. I'm going." "Fine, Lauren, your staying." Damon turned to the wolf "what? Why me?" She asked.

"Because if anything happens to you klaus will kill us. And you're the only one that can die." Damon sighed Stefan told everyone that they were all staying there until he made a plan, apparently he was worried bout the hunter having werewolf venom and traps. Damon gave Stefan an hour until he went after Connor.


"Look man this guy is dangerous, he's highly trained. He's armed-" Tyler tried to tell the hybrid "I can take care of my self." Dean instead "Yeah, I'm sure you can but this guy will kill you." Lauren tried to reason with dean. Lauren and Tyler tried to convince dean to listen to them but he instead he had to go

"Dean you don't need to do this." Hayley said as she walked into the room "stay out of it Hayley." The hybrid demanded "listen to her man its suicide." Tyler insisted "klaus told you to take Connor by yourself and you can't fight back? You have to use non-lethal force? What the hell kind of crap is that?"

"Klaus gave me a direct order." The hybrid repeated "its too dangerous. That maniac already killed Nate." Hayley told him "your not a hybrid. You don't know what it's like, when klaus tells you to do something, you do it." The hybrid snapped back

"look, I'm a hybrid. I used to do everything klaus said but I don't anymore. And you don't have to either." Tyler said "you think you can stand up to klaus?" Dean asked and handed Tyler his phone. "Prove it." He challenged

Tyler tried to tell klaus off but klaus outed Tyler for sleeping with Hayley, unbeknownst to the hybrid Caroline was in the room listening. Tyler hung up "do what ever the hell you want." Tyler said and left Hayley followed behind him. "Caroline..." Lauren started but the vampire just left.


Lauren and Caroline walked in to see Tyler and Hayley hugging "I'm sorry, am I intruding?" Caroline asked "Care, it's not like that." Tyler reasoned with his girlfriend

"I keep waiting for you to make up some dumb story so at least I can call you a lair. Is that now?" She snarked "I'll let you two talk." Hayley said as she turned around "thank you. How big of you." Caroline sneered. Hayley just glared and left the room with Lauren following her out.

"Marshall." Lauren called as she walked up to her friend "Are you seriously trying to steal Tyler out from under Caroline?" "Ren you know me, when have I ever been one for high school drama?" Hayley smirked and walked away.

Lauren phone rang, she saw it was klaus and she turned off her phone.


Lauren walked into her house and saw bags by the door "o brother where arth thou?" She called out. "In here you weirdo." He called back she smiled and walked into the kitchen "leaving so soon?" She asked crooking her head to right

"you remember Eve?" He asked his sister "mmhmm." "She called and asked if I can come to New Orleans and help her find out about her pack." He explained "be carful, you know what happens to wolves in New Orleans." She warned

"Ren, Marcel loves us and he invited me to stay at the Abitour." "Really? Hmm. Well dearest brother, sleep with one eye open." They both laughed "I should get going." He said seriously "alright. Call when you get there. I love you." She hugged him "I love you more sister." He hugged her back.

The two remained still for a few minutes until they both pulled back. Lauren walked Landon to the door and waved as he got in the car and drove off. Her phone rang once again and she noticed it was klaus "god he's persistent." She said as she turned her pone off and put it in her pocket.


Lauren plugged in her phone and pulled her hair into a messy bun. She climbed under the covers and went to bed. As she slept Lauren was unaware of the second presence in her room.

"You won't stay mad at me for long love." Klaus said as he moved a few loose hairs away from her face "I wish I could tell you everything but I can't trust you not to tell Caroline." Klaus looked at Lauren for a minute before he put a velvet box on her nightstand and vamp speeding away.


Lauren groaned when her alarm clock rang and turned it off. She sat up and reached for her phone only to come in contact with a velvet box.

She grabbed the box and opened it. She gasped slightly when saw a silver crescent moon necklace.

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