Chapter IX

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Dangerous Liaisons
Lauren went to the Forbes house after leaving the originals and walked in. She comforted Caroline for a while and they both fell asleep.

Lauren woke up to her phone ringing "what?" She asked "come to the mikaelson mansion now!" Rebekah told her. When she got there Rebekah was doing her nails, Kol was getting his tux fixed "what?" She asked when she got inside

"you went after Elena what is wrong with you?" Klaus asked his sister. Lauren just rolled her eyes and sat on the couch "here we go." Rebekah replied smiling

"do you want another dagger in your heart?" Klaus asked "again with the dagger threats? Don't you have any other tricks?" Kol asked

"oh go back to staring at yourself." Klaus replied "and who are you my father?" Kol shot back "no, Kol, but you are in my house."

"Then let's take this outside shall we?" Kol and klaus stood facing each other "Enough! Niklaus come!" Ester snapped as she walked into the room. She locked eyes with Lauren for a minute before walking away.

"Do you have a dress for tonight?" Rebekah asked Lauren "no, I didn't plan on going. What's tonight?" "Our family is hoisting a ball and given your connection to our bother your attendance is mandatory." Fin told the wolf "wonderful." She said as she rolled her eyes and looked at ceiling "so do you have a dress?" Rebekah asked

"no" the wolf sighed out. "I have the prefect one for you. But first we're going to the grill." Rebekah decided as she dragged the wolf with her.


After taking Rebekah to the grill and then back home Lauren took a shower, when she walked out the door bell rang she sighed and walked to it "of corse, what is it klaus?" She asked "May I come in." He asked "why not." She turned around and walked into her kitchen "what's that?" She pointed to a box in the hybrids hands "it's for you." He replied and handed her the box and a smaller velvet one, then he sped out of her house "bye I guess."

She opened the big box and gasped lightly it was a beautiful light blue ball gown with silver decorations under the waist "woah" she gasped. She opened the smaller box next, it was a beautiful diamond bracelet "damn..." she mumbled a huge smile across her face.


As Lauren walked into the Mikaelson ball she tried to find one of her friends but instead her eyes landed on klaus who was standing a few feet away from one of the caterers who was holding Champagne.

"good evening." He said as he tried unsuccessfully to stop her from walking past, "I need a drink." She replied and walked past the man. He watched her as she left with a small smile on his face

"Ah if everyone could gather please."Elijah started, Lauren walked up to Caroline and look at the originals on the stairs "welcome, thank you for joining us, you know when ever my mother brings my family togther like this, it's tradition for us to commence the evening with a dance. Tonight's pick is a centuries old Waltz. So please find your self a partner and join us in the ballroom." They walked down the stairs and klaus walked over to Lauren "good luck." Care said as she walked away

"Care to dance?" He asked her "why not?" She replied and followed him to the ballroom. They lined up and started dancing.

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