Chapter XXII

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Caroline and Lauren where decorating for the miss mystic pageant as Caroline was talking to Stefan

"What?" Caroline yelled "what?" Lauren mouthed back "she can't have feelings for Damon. He's Damon and your you. And I'm revolted, no you know what, I'm going to talk to her, talk some sense into her clearly delusional mind." Caroline hung up and her and Lauren walked over to Elena.


"look were your best friends, we would never pick sides, but are you sure this is what you want?" Caroile asked the doppelgänger

"Because Stefan is your soulmate. Sorry but I'm not even sorry I'm team stelena all the way." Lauren said raising her hands to defend her self from the glare she was getting from the new vampire.

"Its not like I don't love him anymore, but I cant deny that ever since I turned my feelings for damon have been more intense." Elena said softly "Yeah I know, Stefan filled me in on all the gory damon details." caroline sighed

"He did?" Elena asked "is he ok?" "no elena, hes heart broken." Lauren answered honestly. "What was I supposed to do? Lie?" "No, but you wernt supposed to let damon weasel his way into your hart!" Caroline snapped

"Well he did. And now im just confused." The doppelgänger sighed. "I need to figure out what these feelings actually mean."

Professer shane walked up and asked where the judges were supposed to go. the girls sent him to the parlor and he left

"Hes the one who told damon how to break the hunters curse." Elena stated "Hes also the one teaching bonnie magic." Lauren added


Lauren stood infront of the lockwood house looking at a clip board. "Stop, Stop. Those flowers go in the back, as indicated by the floral chart you guys had to memorize. Yeah thank you." she snapped at some girls carrying plants

"Now how did I know I'd find you at the helm of this ship?" Klaus asked She smiled a little while looking at the paper "I was wondering what time I should pick you up tomorrow." He asked and she sighed

"Look Klaus, Hayley is the only one who knows about everything and the second I walk in here hand in hand with you my friends will kill me. so I am putting this off for as long as physically possible."

"Come on love. I was promised a date in exchange for one of my hybrids, and you really don't want to come to this alone do you?" He asked giving her those annoying puppy dog eyes

"Fine if you insist on starting world war three with my frinds, meet me here at 2pm tomorrow. Black tie optional, and I already have everything ready so do not think of even gitting me so much as a coursgae got it." she demanded as she walked up the stairs

"I'll see you tomorrow Lauren." He called after her


"Blue." Caroline, Lauren and elena all answered as they helped april find a dress.

"Are you sure, it seems a little... safe." She asked the older girls "safe is good when it comes to judges." Elena explained "Shes right, grace lockwood had a three foot long slit her year and pratically got laughed off the court." The girls all chuckled untll a voice came in

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