Chapter IV

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(I skipped episode 8 because Lauren didn't really fit.)

They all sat in the boarding house living room listening to Stefan call klaus
"your fathers dead." Stefan announced
"What did you say to me?" Klaus said just above a whisper
"Oh my mistake not you actual father, and not dead. Mikael. Daggered. What do you want me to do with the body?"
"I want to see him. I want to see his rotting body." Klaus demanded
"Well He's here. Come by when ever."
"If your lying my compulsion will expose you. So is what your saying the truth?" klaus asked
"It's true." Stefan confirmed
Stefan handed the phone to Rebekah and she told him mikael is out of their lives for good. "He bought it, he's coming home." With that she left


Lauren was helping Caroline decorate while her and Tyler argued about Tyler's feeding tendencies. Tyler told the girls that Rebekah and Matt were going to homecoming together. Caroline got pissed and left leaving Lauren with Tyler.
"I hate you like this." She told him putting a brush down "like what?" He sounded surprised "your not a wolf anymore. Your klaus's bitch." With that she left.


Caroline texted Lauren and told her that the party was moved to Tyler's back yard. Of corse a kegger homecoming. She walked in a looked around "good evening everyone!" A British voice said from the stage "I want to thank you all for being here with me to celebrate. It's been a long time coming."

She went around the party for a while and drank about 1/2 her body weight until someone came up to her.

"You look ravishing love." Klaus said from behind her "leave me alone." She said rolling her eyes "seems the homecoming queen stills walks among the living, which leads me to believe Rebekah isn't here. Where is she?" Klaus asked her

"No idea and not my problem." With that she walked away. She walked inside and all of a sudden someone wrapped their hand around her neck and she passed out.


"And they can be compelled by me." Lauren woke up and saw she was facing klaus with some hybrid chick holding onto her arms and 'elena' in Mikael's arms

"come out and face me Niklaus, or they both die." Mikael said in a monotone voice "go ahead. Kill them." "No. Klaus don't. He'll do it." Katherine pleated. Lauren don't know why but when he said that she felt incredibly betrayed.

"If she dies, this lot is the last of your abomination and your mate will be dead." Mikael threatened "I don't need them I just need to be rid of you." Klaus told him

"to what end Niklaus? So you can live forever, with no one at your side? No one cares about you anymore boy!" Mikael yelled "I'm calling your bluff. Kill them." Klaus seethed
"Come outside and face me you little coward and I won't have to." "My whole life you've underestimated me. If you kill them you loose your leverage. So go ahead. Kill them!" He yelled
He stabbed Katherine and then did the same to Lauren.

Damon tried to stake klaus but Stefan stopped him. Katherine set off wolfsbane grenades but Lauren ducked so she didn't breathe any in. Klaus grabbed the stake and stabbed mikael in the heart.

His body burning as they all watched. Klaus compelled Stefan to be free and Lauren stood up but swayed slightly, klaus caught her and brought her inside. He fed her his blood once she sat down. She went to say thank you but he sped away.


Caroline called her crying so she went to her house and held her as she cried. She told her all of the stuff that went down with Tyler at homecoming, Lauren wound up falling asleep at her house.

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