Chapter XXX

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Lauren rolled over in bed only to notice Klaus wasn't there, she sighed and checked her phone to see zero messages from him. She rolled her eyes and then got out of bed before walking down to the kitchen "Hayley?" Lauren asked confused to see her friend "what are you doing here?"

"Looking for you." Lauren looked at the other wolf with raised brows so Hayley continues "So klaus gave me a lead on my family and I wanted to see if you wanted to come with me and find them." Lauren looked at Hayley for a moment before sighing "can I make a decision and then tell you tonight?" Hayley nodded and the two hugged before Hayley left.


Lauren sat on the couch trying to decide what she should do, klaus walked in and sat down across from Lauren "penny for your thoughts love?" Klaus asked and Lauren sighed "Hayley wants me to hunt down her family with her, and I want to go... so come with me." Klaus looked at Lauren shocked before clearing his throat "you want to leave mystic falls now?" Lauren nodded and klaus looked away

"But you don't want to." Lauren said slowly before pursing her lips "I still need the cure Lauren." Klaus told the blonde "why? If you leave the Salvatore's will leave you alone too. We can leave all of the doppelgänger and cure drama here and be together."

"I need to find the cure to be sure no one will use it against me!" Klaus snapped standing up "Nik I'm mortal. I don't have centuries to spend fighting the dumbass Mystic falls fights." Lauren sighed as she stood up "all I want is to leave this dumbass town and not have to deal with this drama any more."

"Then go!" Klaus shouted, catching her off guard "go live your mortal life!" "Fine." Lauren said as a tear rolled down her cheek, Klaus looked at her for a second before speeding away. Lauren plopped down on the couch as tears slowly fell down her cheeks.


Hayley and Lauren walked into a bar in the French quarter named Rousseau's hoping to get more information about Hayley's family. They had been in New Orleans for a month and still nothing.

"Third time in here this week." The bartender said "I'm in love with the gumbo Jane - Anne." Lauren said with a smile. Jane - Anne poured a drink "you know ladies in the ninth ward say my sister bleeds a piece of her soul into every dish." She told them looking at her sister.

"We asked around the quarter." Hayley said "and?" "Nothing, zero we can't find a single person who remembers them." She sighed "people like you were run out of town years ago." Jane - anne told them.

Jane - Anne walked around the bar and put a map in front of the wolves "in the bayou, they call the werewolves
'Roux - Ga - Roux' you head out there you'll find what your looking for." She promised them "be careful, it's the last place you'd ever want to go."

"Thank you." Lauren said as the two wolves left


Hayley was driving to the bayou when she pulled to a stop, the girls looked around and noticed they were lost. They looked at the map but it started to burn "what the hell?" Hayley asked and Lauren threw the map out the window "let's go." Lauren told her.

Hayley started to drive but the engine sputtered and smoke came out. Both the girls got out and Hayley called for a tow truck when people started to surround the wolves "what the hell?" Lauren asked when they both passed out.


The two woke up surrounded by witches "what the hell why are we here?" Hayley asked "your here to help us." Sophie said simply "the hell we are." Lauren snapped "we only need Lauren, Hayley is here to help you under stand." Sophie replied calmly. "They want you to convince Klaus to help them."

"Ok, assuming klaus would actually listen, I would never help you." Lauren glared "oh both of you will when you learn the truth." The witch shrugged "what truth?" Lauren asked "she says your pregnant." Hayley said from beside the blonde.

"The hell I am." She scoffed "I have a gift of telling when girls are pregnant, you are pregnant Lauren." "No. No. No, I'm not pregnant." Lauren shook her head, but the more she thought about it the more she realized the witch could be right.

"No ok the only person I have slept with in about a year is Nik, and he's a vampire they can't get someone pregnant." "Klaus is a vampire through magic but a werewolf naturally." Everyone stoped talking and Lauren's eyes widened when she heard a small swooshing sound "holy shit." She muttered


The witches lead Lauren and Hayley to a crypt where Elijah and klaus were standing "Elijah what is this foolishness?" Klaus asked "klaus." Lauren said as she walked in, his expression softening when he saw her "listen to them."

"Marcel may be able to keep the witches from praticing magic in this town but as keepers of the balance we can't tell when nature has cooked up something new." Sophie explained "I have a special gift of telling when a girl is pregnant."

"What?" Klaus asked his face going pale "yeah, I really didn't want to believe it either." Lauren scoffed lightly "what are you saying "Niklaus, this girl is carrying you child." Elijah told his brother "impossible, vampires cannot procreate!" Klaus shook his head.

"Werewolves can. Magic made you a vampire but you were born a werewolf. Your an original, first of your kind. And this pregnancy is one of nature loopholes." Sophie explained. Klaus turned and pointed at Lauren "you've been with someone else admit it." "You know that's not true Nik." She said calmly

"My sister gave her life to preform this spell. Because of Jane - Anne's sacrifice the lives of this girl and her child are now controlled by us. If you don't help us take Marcel down, so help me Lauren won't live to see her first maternity dress."

"Wait what?" Lauren and Hayley asked shocked "Enough of this. If you want Marcel dead I'll kill him myself." Elijah threatened "no. Not yet there are rules we need to follow." Sophie ordered

"How dare you command me," klaus started to yell "threaten me with what you wrongfully perceive as a weakness. I won't here any more lies."

"Niklaus, listen." Elijah ordered his brother, klaus stopped talking and listened, everyone heard the faint swooshing of the babies heart. Klaus eyes widened and he looked at Lauren. They shared a look until he turned to Elijah "kill her and the baby. What do I care?" With that Klaus left. Lauren stood staring at the wall in shock.

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