Chapter XXIII

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"Hey Lena." Lauren said as Elena walked up to the girls "everything ok?" Caroline asked "yeah, why wouldn't it be?" Elena replied "I heard you had to move out to stay away from Jermey." Bonnie told her "Matt is staying with him now, to make sure he keeps all of his hunter stuff under control." Elena told her friends

"Are you ok, I mean clearly they don't have a flatiron at hotel Salvatore." Caroline chuckled

"oh um..." Elena trailed off as she pulled her hair out of its messy bun "are you guys doing anything tonight? I mean I'm in some desperate need of some girl talk." Elena asked her friends

"I'm in. I have some small spells I've been meaning to try." Bonnie said with a smile "um are you sure the Salvatore's would be cool with us crashing at their place?" Caroline asked "I can't go home because my brother is trying to kill me, so their place is mine now too. I'll see you later." Elena walked away


Lauren, Elena, Bonnie and Caroline were all in the Salvatore parlor as Elena handed them bottles of wine "I assume this is for Caroline?" Bonnie asked picking up a blood bag "actually this is for me." Elena said with a smile "I'm sorry what?" "I thought" "Are you saying that?" Lauren, Bonnie, and Caroline all asked at the same time

"Thanks to Damon I am a functional vampire." Elena started to drink the bag "that's amazing." Bonnie said "what do you mean thanks to Damon?" Caroline asked "well, he suggested that I try it and it worked." Caroline and Lauren exchanged worried looks

"no more snatch, eat, erase." Elena walked away "so where is the dashing Salvatores" Lauren asked from the couch "out with Stefan for the night, don't wait up." Elena read "so you guys check in text now? What else do you do?" Caroline asked

"I know you guys aren't huge fans but he did just change my life. Can you chill?" Elena snapped "okay new girls night rule no boy talk." Bonnie said as she grabbed a bag of 'spirit tea' "ooh stoner tea, I'm in." Lauren said with a smile "it's not stoner tea." Bonnie scolded her.

Lauren gave her a look and Bonnie smiled "ok its stoner tea. Care don't give us that look." Bonnie said to the vampire "I'm not." She defended her self "yeah you are." Lauren smirked "ok, I here by vow not to be judgy for the rest of the night." "I'll drink to that." Lauren said holding up the bottle "cheers." They all said


Bonnie Caroline Lauren and elena were cheering and jumping around the living room. They were drinking and laughing as Bonnie recorded them.

They all wound up in Damon's bathroom with Elena in the tub they were still laughing and watching videos of them having fun "I look like Superman," Elena said as she watched the video "being a vampire is weird, I love this tub, why don't we hang out in here more often?" Elena asked "one reason cooties." Care said with a smile

"yeah, think of all the germ ridden skanks that Damon has lured into his den of iniquity." Lauren said as she and Caroline laughed "sorry, we've been good all night, we're stoping now." The blondes both raised their hands

"no, don't stop on my account. Go ahead i mean it's only Damon right?" Elena snapped "come on." Bonnie whispered

"so what exactly was it about him that made you jump right into bed with him?" Elena seethed to Caroline "Elena come on." Lauren said trying to stop the fight

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