Chapter XXIV

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Lauren woke up to sunlight shining on her face. She closed her eyes, but opened them slightly when she felt someone lightly kissing down her bare back and the sheet she was wrapped in being slowly pulled down.

She grunted lightly as she pushed her self onto her elbows "mornin." She said quietly "good morning love." Klaus said kissing the crook of her neck, Lauren looked over to face him, she smiled and kissed him before laying on her side to fully face him "klaus, do you actually love me? Or is it just the bond?" She asked.

He looked at her with a serious expression "I have never loved someone in my 1,000 years of existence than I love you Lauren Navi Evans." "Are you sure?" She asked "I'm positive love." "I love you too Niklaus Mikaelson." She bit her lip slightly, "What made you question it?" He asked "Thinking about something Elena said." She shrugged but klaus was still curious so she sat up, pulling a sheet over her chest

"Elena said you've been with a lot of women and you don't really love me, I'm just something warm for you to be in at night." Klaus studied her face before he sat up and cupped her face "I've been with a lot of women, that's true but I promise you my love, I do love you," He looked at her for a moment until his soft and loving look changed to a mischievous smirk "if you don't believe my love to be true, I should prove it to you." Klaus said before he trailed kisses from Lauren's lips down to her chest and pushed her back to the bed.


Lauren stood looking at a beautiful painting at the Christmas celebration when she felt someone's eyes burning a hole in her head. She looked to her right and saw klaus staring at her with a smile "please don't tell me your here to steal tiny Tim's crushes." She joked

"well dickens was a dark man," he walked up to her and put a hand on her lower back "you would have loved him." He whispered in her ear "Nice snowflake by the way." She said trying to keep hear heart rate normal "Is my work really that literal?" He asked in her ear

"I'm serious Nik, it's sad but beautiful." She told him staring at the painting "Can I offer you some champagne?" He asked "can't," She said walking away "too many adults and I'm still under 21."

"Well love I could compel any one who says anything." He replied with a smirk "ugh if we're going to be all nice and flirty, maybe I will need that champagne." She sighed out.

"Is that our thing love?" He asked "we don't have a thing." She sassed "right now you act like you can barely stand me when this morning you were moaning my name, among other things." He whispered in her ear "shut up." She said with a small smile as she walked away.


Lauren was in her bed half asleep when someone wooshed in "klaus?" Lauren asked groggily, she started to sit up and rubbed her eyes

"klaus what... holy crap." She slowly sat up and stared at the hybrid. She heard stories of how much of a monster he was but she had never seen him like this.

He moved towards her but she tensed and moved back slightly so he stoped moving. "What did you do?" She said barely audible, "I killed them." He said sounding numb "who?" She asked feeling terrified

"The hybrids." He replied "they broke their bond so I killed them." She slowly nodded and then swallowed the lump in her throat.

"Why did you come here?" She asked and he looked at her for a second "I don't know." "Okay." She nodded and Klaus looked at her for a moment "You can use my shower if you want klaus." She told him after a moment of awkward silence he nodded and came back about 5 minutes later.

"Um, I don't really have any guy clothes other than a pair of sweats Landon left here." She gestured to sweats on her dresser, he nodded and changed.

She laid back in her bed and lifted the sheet so he could lay next to her. She moved so she was laying on his chest with his left arm wrapped around her waist and his right hand was intertwined with hers.

"I'm alone again." Klaus muttered under his breath and she looked up at him "no your not." She leaned up and kissed his jaw "Nik, you'll always have me. I promise I'll never leave you." Klaus looked at her and pursed his lips "if I have to spend the rest of my life proving you I love you I happily will." She smiled and kissed the corner of his lips before she put her head back on his chest.

She eventually drifted off while klaus just laid there looking at the blonde asleep on his chest. He tried to stop the smile threatening to take over his face as the thought of the things she had told him. He just stayed with her until eventually he too fell asleep.

AN — so in private Klauren is all coupley but in public they don't really act like a couple or even friends.

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