Chapter XXI

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We all go a little mad

"...I just popped around to check on deans successful retrieval of the vampire hunter, yet when I arrived I learned not only was Dean unsuccessful but that Elena killed the hunter." Klaus said as he took a drink of what ever was in his hand

"Well maybe if you had let dean use force on Connor instead of sending him on a suicide mission..." Hayley started "maybe you should mind your business." Klaus glared "what do you care if connors dead any way?" Tyler asked  "I have my reasons they've ceased to matter. Cheers."

A knock on the door called the hybrids attention away as Tyler went to open it.
Caroline handed him his stuff while Lauren just walked in and watched "Care this isn't a good time." Tyler tried "take it." Caroline demanded softly.

Klaus and Hayley watched awkwardly from the doorway as the couple had their fight  "come on." Klaus said to the hybrids "we're leaving to let Caroline and Tyler deal with their relationship drama, they really don't need an audience." With that the original walked out, all hybrids but Tyler following in tow.

Once they left Caroline closed the door and they all started smiling "do you think he bought it?" Caroline asked "hell I bought it." Hayley said with a smile. "So how do we get started?" Lauren asked walking to the group.


Klaus walked into the study and saw Lauren looking out a window deep in thought "So one day you proclaim you love for me and the next you can't stand to be around me?" Klaus asked the wolf. "Leave me alone klaus." She said not looking away from the window.

"I see you got the necklace." He pointed out not leaving the doorway "yeah, it almost makes up for the fact that you broke into my room to give me it." She finally turned and looked at him.
"You know I don't exactly understand what I did to make you so mad at me Lauren." He sighed

"I'm not mad, I'm frustrated. I shouldn't be but I still am. I know there's something your keeping from me and, I'm not sure if we're dating or what but if we're going to be in any kind of relationship it won't work if you don't trust me." She explained and bit her lip

"I do trust you Lauren, there are just things that I don't need everyone in mystic falls to know." "You can trust me not to say anything Nik." She assured him, he looked at her for a minute before he sighed "I will tell you everything soon, I promise." He stood up and kissed her forehead before walking out of the room.


"Place looks pretty good considering dean got blown up in it." Lauren said as she sat next to klaus at the bar "Lauren. To what do I owe the pleasure?" Klaus asked as he set down his drink

"I want you you give Elena back." She said simply "aw, they sent you to sweet talk me. Well good form but I'm afraid I can't."

"Why not?" She asked "She needs my help." He shrugged and she scoffed "look I'm not going to burden you with the gory details, I know you have enough on your plate already. What with debating on telling your friends the truth about what happened between us in the woods and all."

"That's none of your business actually." She snapped and rolled her eyes she turned to leave "come on, at least let me buy you a drink." She turned around and sighed "thanks." She gave him a small smile as she sat down.


"Okay." Lauren nervously chuckled as she put her phone down "there may be like tiny, tiny, minuscule problem." "What happened love?" He asked concerned

"so, I was supposed to come here to convince you to let Elena go." "You don't say." He joked "And so that's Stefan could break into your house and get her and she stabbed him and ran away and we have no idea where she is." Klaus jumped up and Lauren followed

"klaus..." "Lauren you are beautiful but if you don't stop talking I will kill you." Klaus glared "they figured out how to stop the hallucinations." He turned around "you have 10 seconds to tell me."


Klaus walked through the door and grabbed Chris by the neck "when I said don't let her out of your sight what did you think I meant?" "It's not his fault, it's mine, I was distracting him. It's my fault." Tyler pleated "maybe you should be the one to die for it." Klaus responded not looking away from Chris

"klaus, klaus stop ok." Lauren said as she stood next to Hayley "no one has to die!" Hayley yelled "did I not say mind your business?" Klaus asked as he got in Hayley's face "Tyler is covering for me. I'm the one that let her go."

"Hayles." Lauren warned "no, you want someone dead, go ahead kill me. I'd rather die anyway than be one of your sired little bitches." Hayley whispered glaring at klaus. "Don't tempt me." Klaus warned and then backed up

"your existence is to serve me. To please me. Do you understand?" Klaus asked Chris "I'm sorry, I won't fail you again." The hybrid rushed out "no, you won't. Get out of here." Chris headed to the door only to be staked by Stefan.

Lauren, Hayley and Tyler all stood in shock. Jermey came in with an axe and cut off Chris's head. Hayley screamed and Tyler stood there mouth agape while Lauren closed her eyes and looked away.

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