Chapter XXVI

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Lauren was in her bedroom when Rebekah came storming in. She grabbed Lauren by the throat and slammed her against the wall

"You knew?" She shouted "knew what?" Lauren choked out "you knew they were going to kill my brother, didn't you?" Rebekah asked with tears in her eyes "Kol." Lauren said in realization

"oh my god Rebekah, I swear to you I didn't know." "Why should I believe you. It was your friends who killed him, for all I know your getting close to my family so you can kill us all."

"Rebekah all of my friends are mad at me for being with klaus. they didn't tell me anything." She explained, Rebekah slowly let go of her throat and Rebekah collapsed onto the floor sobbing.

Lauren bent down and hugged Rebekah who started sobbing into the wolf's shoulder.


Lauren walked into the Gilbert house, Klaus looked up and his eyes locked on hers "Here to gloat?" He asked standing up "what?" She asked softly "you and your friends killed my brother, something no one has ever managed to do before, have you come to gloat?" He asked standing up and faced the girl.
She stepped over the barrier but he didn't move.

"I had no idea klaus." She said softly "liar." He called her, a tear rolling down his cheek. She walked toward him but he walked back until his back was against the barrier "I'm not lying to you klaus." She whispered looking the hybrid in the eye

"you helped them didn't you?" He asked her "no, I didn't." She insisted "why not? I've given you every reason to hate me, to plot against me! Since I came into this town I've done nothing but destroy you're life! How do you expect me to believe you didn't help your friends plot my brothers demise?" Klaus ranted

"because I know what it's like to lose a sibling klaus, no one deserves that pain. No one." She told him, cupping his cheek with her hand and wiping a tear that had fallen down, off with her thumb.

Klaus looked at her for a moment until his eyes soften. He put a hand on Lauren's head and the other on her back, she felt afraid for a second until he pulled her into him and rested his head in the crook of her neck. Letting the tears flow freely. She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly.


Klaus woke up in a sitting position on the couch, he went to move but he noticed the weigh of a mother person on him, he looked down and saw Lauren was laying on top of him, holding him for dear life.

Klaus smiled and moved some of the hair out of the wolf face but a noise outside made him shoot up.

Tyler walked in and looked at klaus "morning sunshine." He said "you look pathetic."

"Only until Bonnie's spell wares off. Then I'll look different, angrier perhaps. Or I won't look like anything because I will have gouged out your eyes." Klaus seethed

"My friends will be back with the cure by then, so I could shove it down you throat." Tyler smirked and Lauren woke up to the two hybrids conversation.

"I'm an original, what makes you think my entire bloodline won't be cured along with me?" Klaus asked

"You know what I think? I think that's not going to happen, that the second we cure you our blood connection to you is broken. And your sire line ceases to exist. So I can kill your ass and no one else has to die. Although I'm still debating on how to do it." Tyler states

"May I suggest drowning? There's nothing quite like the feeling of someone fighting for something as basic as human breath, and believe me your mother was a fighter." Klaus smirked and lauren rolled her eyes as she got off the couch.

Caroline walked in "your still here? What are you doing?" She asked her boyfriend "gloating." Tyler shrugged "Hello Caroline." Klaus said "Come home. Don't stoop to his level." She told Tyler ignoring klaus

"He destroyed my life. I'm going to be here for every second of his misery until i can kill him myself." Tyler decides "Fine. Gloat and multi task. This place is a disaster, starting with the dead body." Caroline put a sheet over Kol's body and walked to Tyler

"Tyler's mother is dead, so is my brother. We're even. Call Bonnie, get her to let me out of here." Klaus demanded "I will never, ever help you." Caroline glared

"How quickly you forget the part where I saved Tyler from having to turn every month. Or the night Lauren begged me to come to your house to save her best friend." Klaus stated

"How delusional are you? You killed his mom! Let's not forget we're standing in a house where Elena's aunt jenna used to live. Or did you think your charm would make us forget that too? You know what no, you are not even worth the calories I burn talking to you." Caroline said from of the barrier.

Klaus grabbed a lamp and stabbed Caroline in the stomach, swung her to his side and bit her. "Klaus!" Lauren yelled and went over to her best friend.

"Now that was definitely worth the calories." He smiled "Oh my god." Caroline panted "Hey I can fix this." Tyler insisted "How the only thing that can heal me is his blood. Oh my god." Caroline cried out "Hey I'll fix it." He told his girlfriend then turned to his sire "She'll die if you don't heal her." "Okay. Beg me to save her life." Klaus shrughed

"Is this what you want? To remind me that I'm powerless against you? fine, I'm nothing now save her." Tyler begged "I'm sorry I didn't quite catch that." Klaus smirked, but it faltered slightly when he saw the glare on Lauren's face "Please." "Please..." klaus trailed off "please save her life." Tyler asked

"See now I just think your telling me thing I want to hear." Klaus smirked "I'll be your slave again, I'll do what ever you want, just help her." Tyler begged "No." klaus responded "Get me out of here. I can't even look at him." Caroline rasped out


Tyler brought Caroline back "you want to be in control? You get to be in control of her life. If you want her to die ok, but you have to watch her die." Lauren left with Tyler but she just stayed on the porch listing to them.


"How could you do this to him? His mom? To me?" Caroline asked "I'm a thousand years old call it boredom." Klaus sighed "I don't believe you." She said "Fine maybe it's because I'm pure evil and I can't help myself." Klaus rolled his eyes

"No. It's because your hurt. Which means a part of you is still human." Caroline rasped out and klaus walked over to her "How could you possibly think that?" He asked softly "Because I've seen it. I know that your in love with Lauren, and anyone capable of love, is capable of being saved." She said.

Her breathing shallowed and her heart rate slowed so klaus fed her his blood and healed her.

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