Chapter XXIX

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Lauren woke up to her ringing non stop. She rolled over to check her phone she missed 3 calls from Stefan and 2 text messages. She groaned before sitting up and opening the messages, as it turned out Stefan wanted Elena to go back to school meaning him, Caroline and Elena had to keep an eye on the humanity-less vamp.

Lauren sighed as she pulled her hair into a pony tail, the cheerleading invitational had just started and the wolf was joining Elena and Caroline who were also dressed in uniforms.

"Hey, where were you? We're going on any minute." Caroline said as she walked up to Elena
"I'm here, aren't I?" Elena shrugged "What's with the ribbon? That's not even our colors." Lauren asked as she noticed the blue ribbon in Elena's hair, Elena simply smiled and twirled her hair before walking away.

Lauren noticed a grove hill cheerleader with a scarf around her neck causing her to groan "care," she got the other blondes attention before pointing to the other cheerleader, Caroline stormed to Elena.

"Are you out of your mind?" Caroline snapped "What is your problem?" Elena asked as she turned to face the blondes "Feeding on the competition? Hello. Did you not hear what Damon told you?" Caroline snapped angrily.

"I did, but who cares?" Elena shrugged "I'll do whatever I want." "Everything all right?" Stefan asked as he joined the girls "Yeah, as soon as the queens backs off, everything will be fine." Elena walked off to warm up with the other cheerleaders as the three of them watched her.

"Remember how Damon sired her to behave? It didn't really work."

"Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for your very own Lady Timberwolves" the announcer said, all of the cheerleaders got into position, once Caroline called out "ready!" They started the routine.

"L-O-L, O-M-G, you're looking at Mystic Falls Varsity! B-E-A-T, beat those Cats." Elena and two other girls threw Caroline up into the air but before catching her Elena took a step back causing Caroline to land on her back.

Everyone ran to help Caroline as Elena looked at Stefan, Caroline and Lauren challenging them to do something, before walking out of the gym.

Stefan left with Elena leaving the two blondes at the school "are you okay?" Lauren asked the vampire who nodded "Yeah but I want to strangle her neck."  Caroline sighed Lauren's phone beeped causing her to reach into the pocket of her jacket and check it, all she got was a single text message

Hayles; I'm at Klaus's house right now, he's grilling me about Kathrine, come here

Lauren sighed before putting her phone back in her pocket "you okay?" Caroline asked and Lauren nodded "Yeah, just have to go deal with klaus." Caroline nodded "I'll see you later." The two hugged before Lauren walked out of the school and headed to her boyfriends house.

Once Lauren got to the Mikaelson house she saw Hayley and Klaus sitting in the dining room "cute outfit." Hayley smiled, klaus turned to see who Hayley was talking to, once he saw Lauren he gave her a small smile, Lauren looked down at her cheerleading uniform and rolled her eyes "Yeah well I just left a cheer competition." Lauren sighed before walking over to klaus.

His phone started to ring causing him to excuse himself and then walk out of the room "so how are you involved with Kathrine Pierce?" Lauren asked her long time friend "long story. I made a really dumb decision." Hayley sighed.

Klaus walked back into the room and looked to Hayley "your assailant is dead, your free to leave." Klaus told the girl who nodded and stood up "well, I'll see you around Ren." Hayley smiled and the two hugged "I'll see you around Hayles." Hayley left the house

Klaus looked at Lauren "what is it little Wolf?" Klaus asked as he sat back down "Elena." She sighed softly "you have no idea how good leaving town is." Lauren grabbed a glass full of some dark liquor and downed it.

"So once we get the cure let's go." Klaus said causing Lauren to smile "what Nik, you want to run away with me?" Lauren joked "if you'll go with me, we can go anywhere in the world just say the word." Klaus told her seriously.

Lauren stood up and moved so she was straddling Klaus with her hands clasped behind his neck "I would love to travel the world with you." Klaus leaned forward and caught Lauren in searing kiss.

Klaus ran his hand down her back and then down her thighs. Lauren bit his lip causing klaus to groan klaus slipped his tongue into Lauren's mouth and grabbed her ass.

She pulled back and pulled off her shirt klaus attached his lips to her neck causing her to groan, he leaned back and pulled his shirt off before vamp speeding her against the table, he looked down at her for a second before leaning down and kissing her neck causing her to moan.

One of Lauren's free hands threatened into klaus's hair and the other one intertwined with Klaus's hand

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