Chapter III

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Ghost World

Lauren went with Caroline to help Bonnie set up for the night of illumination thing in town square. As they were setting up decorations Care asked "so when you did the spell to get rid of Vicki did it get rid of Anna too?"

"I wish, all I did was block the magic allowing her to get a physical foot hold. As long jermey wants to see Ana and she wants to see him, she stays." Bonnie seethed

"you don't think I can actually resist commenting on that." Caroline asked "Care." Lauren sighed but was cut off by Damon's car speeding up to them.

"greetings Blondie, Wolfe, Witchy. Think you got your voodoo wires all crossed when you got rid of Vicki Donovan." He told them "what do you mean?" "Why?" Bonnie and Lauren asked at the same time "because I'm pretty sure I just got spit roasted by Mason Lockwoods ghost." They all looked at him confused

"maybe because he chained me to a chair and shoved a hot poker through my chest." "Huh?" Lauren asked "let's just say I'm having déjà vu. And I don't have time for vengeful Lockwoods, when I kill someone they need to stay dead."

"Poetic." The Wolf replied
"look what ever you screwed up, fix it." With that he drove off.

They walked up to Matt and asked if he had seen Vicki and he swore he didn't. "Why do you think it's Vicki and not mason?" Lauren asked as they walked away "because if any other spirits have a physical foot hold on our side that means Damon was right and something went seriously wrong."

They walked back over to their bags when Bonnie's grimoire flipped open "did that just..." Care asked "Yeah." Bonnie replied "ok please tell me that is a recipe for witch cookies." "You really think we'd be that lucky?" The Wolf asked her "it's a manifestation spell, to reveal vailed matter." Bonnie told the girls "like ghosts." Lauren said and she nodded.


They drove to the witch house and headed in when Lauren's phone rang, Bonnie and Caroline turned to look at her "go I'll be there in a minute." Lauren told them and they both went inside, once she heard them go down stairs she answered the phone.

"What part of don't call me again did you not get?" She asked "now love no need to be so hostile. I was just wondering what was going on in my absent." He replied "ah well since you left we killed Tyler, daggered Rebekah and locked Stefan in the Salvatore basement." She sassed "love, what is really happening?" He asked her, she sighed.

"do you know a way to get rid of a ghost?" She asked "Are you being serious?" He asked "Klaus if your going to keep bothering me the least you could do is help me figure out what's going on." She snapped

"I do not know off hand but I will find out." He told her, conviction evident in his voice. "Thank you." She said quietly "Klaus do you." She cut herself off "do i what love?" He asked sounding slightly worried "never mind, bye klaus." She said as she hung up and went inside.

She saw Bonnie chanting on the floor
The wind picked up and the two blondes looked around "Bonnie I don't like this." Care said "Bonnie?" Lauren asked. Everything stopped and we looked surprised.

"grams?" Bonnie asked "I can't believe your here." Bonnie said in tears "now, stop your crying, we don't have time for tears. Nice to see you again Caroline, Lauren." She told us "hi miss. Shelia." We said "a fine mess you made." The ghost said to her grand daughter

"I didn't have a choice I love him and I couldn't let him go." She defended her self  "I understand but there's an old witch over here who took advantage of when you brought him back. When you sent Vicki Donavan away she wedged the door between the sides wide open, letting anyone come back." Shelia told the "how do you know?" Lauren asked "witches talk, who do you think makes all the rules?" "What does she want." Bonnie asked

"that's original vampire business, yours too Lauren. Caroline, Bonnie don't get in the middle of that. You need to close that door." Shelia demanded


Caroline called Elena and explained that they have to destroy the necklace, Bonnie and Caroline went to go find the necklace but shelia asked Lauren to stay.

"Lauren Evans, quite a mess you got yourself in." She said chucking "yeah well you know me, I'm all about the danger. What do you know about the bond?" Lauren asked
"I know it's old, complicated and rare. It was invented to make sure the wolf species survived," "forced couples togther they pop out a litter and bam wolfs repopulate." The Wolf rolled her head to the side "is there a way to break it?" She asked

"no. But yours and klaus's was activated by the original witch." Shelia told her "what?" She asked "mmhmm." Shelia confirmed.
Lauren's phone stared ringing "it's Caroline, I'm sorry I have to go." She started standing up "it was good seeing you again miss Shelia." "You too darling, do me a favor and watch Bonnie for me." She told Lauren as she hugged her "always." She promised


Lauren walked into Damon's bedroom and saw Bonnie on the verge of tears "who's ass do I have to kick?" She asked walking up to Caroline and Bonnie "jermey kissed Anna." Care said "honey. I'm So sorry" Lauren said as she wrapped her arms around Bonnie "hey the three of us are going to find that necklace and finish these ghosts off ok?"

The girls looked around for a while until cares phone rang. Turns out the tomb vampires are back and trying to kill the founding families. Caroline realized someone might have taken the necklace "Anna." Lauren said looking at the two girls. Anna tried to convince Jeremy she didn't have the necklace but Caroline didn't believe him.

Jermey brought the necklace to the old witch house and Lauren, Caroline and Bonnie met him there. Lauren watched Bonnie and Shelia destroy the necklace, then all of the ghosts left. She stood there as Bonnie told Jermey to leave. Once he did she walked to her and wrapped her arms around Bonnie, she rested her head on her shoulder.

All of a sudden sparks went off from the fire place, when they looked over the necklace had magically been restored.

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