Chapter V

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The New Deal

Elena called Lauren to her house and told her something happened to Alaric. She got there the same time as Damon and they both walked inside "how is he?" Damon asked "dead but he had his ring." Elena said watching over Ric who was on the couch. "So now we wait?" Lauren asked "mmhmm." Elena conformed.

"Jermey. Why aren't you wearing your vervain bracelet?" Lauren asked suspiciously "I don't know." He said as he looked at his wrist. "It was Tyler. It had to have been him. That's why he was hanging out with you, to get you off vervain." "Klaus is trying to send a message." Damon said rolling his eyes "he wants us to find Stefan, who stole coffins full of his dead family." "Coffins?" the girls asked in sync

"yep. All we have to do is find for coffins and volià. No more Gilberts have to die." Damon explained "that's your big plan? To steal back four dead originals so this evil hybrid doesn't kill me and everyone we know?" Jermey asked outraged "you got a better idea?" Lauren asked "Yeah. Let's get the hell out of town, pack our bags and go." Jermey snapped

"calm down." Elena said "no elena! This happens everytime no matter what we try to do, if this keeps up none of us will make it out of this town alive." Jermey ranted before going upstairs "I have an idea but I have to go alone. I'll call you both later." Lauren said before turning around a leaving.


She walked into the mansion klaus is renovating and two hybrids appeared in front of her "who are you?" One asked "I really don't want to deal with hybrid bodyguards right now so if you wouldn't mind." She tried to push past but they stopped her "Lauren!" That annoying British voice said "Klaus. I need to talk to you." She told him with a strait face. "Leave us." Klaus told his hybrids.

"So your father tries to kill me, you save me then just leave. Not very gentlemanly." She said with a small smile "what do you need Lauren." "I get you want your family back but you really need to lay off Jermey." She demanded "I don't need to do anything love." He said with a glare "klaus leave. him. alone." She snapped "you know I can't figure out if it's your bravery or your loyalty that will get you killed faster." He said cocking his head left slightly. "No matter what i say you won't leave him alone will you?"

"No love I won't. I want my family back and your friends need a little motivation." He said with that annoying little smirk "Ok, then let's talk about something else. It's been over a month since this whole 'mate bond' crap started and we haven't actually discussed it." She said sitting on a work bench

"what do you want me to say on the matter?" He asked "have you ever had one before? The bond before?" "No. I didn't actually believe they were real until I met you."

"Elena is going hate me if she finds out about this." She said looking at the roof "how do you feel about it?" He asked her "like I should want you dead, hell I helped your father plan to kill you, but half of the time I just want to be with you. I want to spend all of my time with you, I'm constantly worried about you. And it sucks because your a selfish ass hole." She explained as she turned to look at him.

"How do you feel?" She asked "like I should loathe you for the part you plaid in the attempt on my life, but I find my self constantly worried for your safety, when I look into your blue eyes I feel my anger and rage dissipating." He said staring at her. "That you shouldn't be connected to someone like me, your good and pure and I am a heartless monster." Klaus said while he put his hand on her cheek.

All of a sudden she felt klaus's soft lips on her lips and after a few seconds she kissed back. When klaus kissed her she felt something inside her shift, like her wolf wanted to take over.

When they both pulled away both of their eyes were yellow. She bit her lip for a second before she kissed him again. She put one hand on the back of klaus's neck and the other in his hair. She pulled his curls making him groan in her mouth. Klaus put his hands on her hips and pulled her on top of him so she was straddling him.

Kissing him didn't feel like just a kiss it felt like Ecstasy. Like life it's self. Her wolf was trying take over but she was fighting hard to stay in control. Klaus moved his lips from hers to her neck and slowly started to kiss the side of her neck. he sucked a bruise into the crook of her neck, marking her as his for all wolves to see


As the wolf and the hybrid sat kissing they were to wrapped up in each other to notice the Lockwood hybrid walk into the room and stop the second he saw them. He stood in shock watching the two for a brief moment before walking out and making a call.

"Klaus." The wolf said breathlessly "klaus stop." She slowly pulled back "that was amazing but if one of my friends finds out. I'm dead." "I see love." Klaus said with a hint of sadness in his voice

"this, shouldn't have happened but I'm not going to say it will never happen again." She said as she stood up and kissed him on the cheek "I'll see you around klaus." "I'll see you around love." With that she left the mansion and went home.

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