Chapter XXVII

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"Wake up we're going sword searching." Caroline said as she pulled the covers off Lauren's bed "what?" She groaned out "were going to go ransack your boyfriends house and find the hunters sword." With that Caroline left the room.


"So what is going on with you and klaus?" Caroline asked as they looked through klaus's house "right now I'm mad at him for what he did to carol Lockwood. I want to hate him, I should hate him, but I love him. And we did comeplete the bond." Lauren said looking through a chest

"so what happens when you complete the bond?" Caroline asked "I don't think anything really happens. We just... ugh I don't know." She sighed and closed the chest

"so how do you know Hayley?"Caroline asked over her shoulder

"I met Hayley when I was 15, me and Langdon were on our own and happened to come across a girl who was all by her self so we stuck togther for a while, until Langdon and I went to New Orleans and Hayley went her own way. This was the first time I had seen her in... a year and a half."


Tyler Caroline and Lauren walked into the Gilbert house "ah if it isn't little orphan Lockwood, come to show how laughably impotent you are against me?" Klaus asked "I'm here to help my friends, found this in your attic." He said as he revealed the sword

"and you think the sword brings you closer to the cure?" Klaus asked bored "well I think this does." Tyler said and revealed a dial on the handle "and what do you think that is?" Klaus asked walking to the barrier "it's called a cryptex. You turn the sides to different symbols to get the translations on the other side." Caroline explained

"and Elena sent over pictures of the hunters mark so..." Lauren trailed off "Well May I suggest you use the internet to find an Aramaic to English translator?" Klaus smirked "what's Aramaic?" Tyler asked "it's a dead language, it hasn't been used since biblical times." Lauren explained

"even if you had the best dictionary in the world, it's could take days to translate." Klaus sighed "maybe weeks." Klaus said something in Aramaic and everyone looked at each other "what?" Lauren asked
"if only you spoke Aramaic."


"We've translated every symbol on the tattoo so this should be it. 'Passage inside, requires young senator and a pretty flower.' Wow this makes no sense." Lauren expresses. Klaus started speaking Aramaic again

"requires a powerful witch and a Hunter in full bloom." He smirked "what are you doing?" Tyler asked "I don't need to tell you my reasons. Lauren, bring my sword over here." Klaus started translating the sword

"Silas rests on the far side, the means of his distraction at hand. Turn the cryptex to the right." She did "stop, the top of the hilt revelas a key to a nautical map. Turn it to the left." He asked and she did "there's something else."

Klaus started talking in Aramaic again "what does it mean?" Lauren asked. "There is only one dose."


Tyler, Lauren, and Caroline called Rebekah and told her how to find the cure. But klaus told her there was only one does.
Tyler and Caroline went outside but Lauren stayed

"I killed your friends mom and they killed my brother, seems like we're even. So are you still going to pretend you hate me?" Klaus asked "When you get out of here are you going to kill Tyler?" She asked him back.

"I have to. I have a reputation to uphold. More over I want to." klaus smiled "I'm not saying forgive him, just let him live. Some where far, far away from here." She begged "So he gets to live a happy life after he turned all my hybrids against me? After he tried to kill me. After he made it his life's mission to find the cure so he could use it against me?" He asked

"Klaus everyone wants the cure." She sighed "Would you?" He asked catching her off guard "if there was a cure for werwolves would you take it?" "Why would that matter there isn't one." She snapped "You wouldn't, you like who you are now to who you once were. You like being strong, powerful, fearless. We're the same Lauren."

"Then show me. You know how much Caroline loves Tyler, how scared she is to lose him. If we're so similar show me you compassion. Show him the mercy I would show you." She begged

"Mercy, for Tyler? Very well. Tell him to leave town immediately. To run and hide somewhere I will never find him. That I will give him a head start before I find him and kill him." He smirked


Tyler walked away and Caroline sat crying on the bench. Lauren walked up and sat next to Caroline. Caroline put her head on Lauren's shoulder and kept crying. Lauren wrapped her arms around her and put her head on top of her best friends. The two sat like that until klaus walked out of the house.

"How did you get out?" Lauren asked "I fear something awful has happened to you friend Bonnie." He said walking toward them. They both stood up getting ready to run

"don't worry love you know I'd never hurt you." Klaus said looking at them both but talking to Lauren  "you've done enough." Caroline said "I've done more than enough. I've shown kindness, forgiveness, pity. For you, Lauren, it was all for you." Klaus looked at her for a moment before walking away.


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