Chapter XXV

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"Carol Lockwood always said that togtherness, in times of tragedy leads to healing. That one community is stronger than a thousand of its members, but how does a community stay strong with out its leader? And carol was more than our mayor, she was a friend, a mother, taken from us too soon by a horrible accident."

Tyler got up and left

"please join me in a moment of silence for mayor Lockwood." Elena left too "thank you, in wake of this tragedy we have elected a temporary mayor, Mr. Roody Hopkins."

Mr. Hopkins did his speech and everyone left, Stefan told Lauren that Elena was being held at the school so Lauren was walking walking down the hall when someone slammed her head against the


Rebekah walked in with Stefan "class is in session, now you all know the rules, you've all been compelled except you wolf girl but I have enough wolfsbane to end a pack, answers my question, no disobedience, no one leaves. April, my sweet takes notes. This is how you get answers in this town. Let's start with a little quiz. In the year 1114 my brother learned of a group of vampire hunters who had marks that grew with each kill, the marks revealed what, Elena?"

"A map." She replied with an eye roll "which leads to... Caroline?" "A cure for vampirism."

"Prefect, Stefan the last time we saw eachother you had a hunter, but you needed the sword, which you got out of me using some very dirty tricks, now assuming you have the sword, and the cure, yet your all still vampires do something went wrong." Rebekah stated

"Your waisting your time, we don't know anything." Lauren sighed "so you just gave up? Stefan I thought you would do anything to save Elena. Even if it meant taking the cure too." Elena sat up surprised "why do you look so surprised? I'm missing something what is it?" Rebekah asked and they all looked at each other

"they broke up, now let us go." Caroline blurted "broke up?" Rebekah smiled "I'm confused, I thought Elena was your epic love? What happened?" Rebekah asked

"she slept with Damon." Stefan said reluctantly "so vampire Elena is a trollop who likes bad boys which explains why Stefan reeks of alcohol, but not why sweet, loving innocent Elena could be so heartless towards Stefan. Lauren you haven't answered yet any clue?"

Lauren stayed silent so Rebekah grabbed the knife covered in wolfsbane and stabbed Lauren in the leg, she screamed in pain "she's sired to Damon!" She groaned through gritted teeth.

"A sire bond? Fascinating and what do you think about that Elena?" "I think your sad and bored." Elena rolled her eyes "and in need of a hobby." "Your hiding something, what is it?" "I didn't sleep with Damon because of the sire bond, I slept with him because I love him." Elena replied

"what does any of this have to do with the cure?" Caroline snapped

"your right, we got off topic, Stefan how do I find the cure?" Rebekah asked "a professor, he knows where the cure is." Stefan replied
"And where do I find this professor?"


Rebekah called Tyler and got him to come to the school

Kol showed up and he and Rebekah went off to talk to Shane. Rebekah walked in and started playing truth or dare with them.

Elena revealed that being with Damon mad her feel free but with Stefan she feels like a broken toy. She also revealed she isn't in love with Stefan anymore.

"Wolf girl," Rebekah started as she turned to Lauren

"I'm bored of their drama, what is going on with you and my brother?" Rebekah asked as Kol walked in "can't you just leave us alone and go annoy klaus?" She asked "she's hiding something sister." Kol said from the door

"answer Lauren." Rebekah said as she picked up the knife "no, fuck off." Lauren snapped and rebekah stabbed Lauren in the leg causing her to groan "we completed the bond." Lauren said glaring daggers at the original.

"wow, so if I'm not mistaken, to complete the bond, you have to have to sleep with him am I right?" Rebekah asked with a smirk "yes. And I have drink klaus's blood and he has to drink mine." Lauren moused out "so tell me how do you feel about my brother?"

Lauren looked at her friends then to the originals "I'm in love with him." She shrugged "you what?" Stefan asked "I'm sorry it's just," she sighed "I can't choose who I love and I love klaus." She sighed out. "Fascinating." Rebekah said with a smile


Tyler came barreling in to the library, Rebekah compelled him to turn and left.
Tyler was breaking the library trying to stop his turn, "get out of here!" He yelled and they ran into the hall. Caroline and Lauren ran one way and Stefan and Elena went another, Tyler chaser after the two vampires.


Caroline and Lauren went into the gym and found Tyler. Caroline ran up to him and pulled him into her lap "I'm so sorry." Tyler panted put "no, it's not your fault." Caroline assured him "yes it was, the whole thing, this is all my fault." He protested "it's not ty." Lauren said softly "I should have saved her." He cried in Caroline's arms.


The three of them left. Lauren went home and sat on her back porch. She stared at her yard for a while until she felt someone else near her

"you know normally it's your brother showing up in the middle of the night." Lauren said not looking away

"I'm not going to apologize for how I act." Rebekah said "I never asked you to." Lauren replied. Rebekah walked up and sat next to the wolf

"Your a part of my brothers life. And I don't think your going to be leaving it any time soon. So we should be friends, but I'm not apologizing for how I treat your friends or stabbing you." Rebekah explained staring into space like Lauren.

"My friends will never let that happen. But this won't be the first secret I've kept from them." She turned to look at the original "you wanna move back in?" "Yes." Rebekah replied before walking inside.

AN - so if you remember in like one of the first chapters of season 4 Rebekah moved into Lauren's house.

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