Chapter XVI

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Before sunset

"What do you mean your ditching the clean up committee?" Lauren asked as she walked down the hall "I know I know but I wanted to spend today with tyler." Caroline wined "ugh fine go be with your boyfriend."  Lauren replied with a smile before she hung up and walked into the cafeteria.

"your late and where is caroline?" Rebekah snapped "Care is busy and clean up committee started at 8 it's like 8:02." Lauren sighed "exactly I showed up and I didn't even get to attend the bloody dance." Rebekah snapped

"I'm sorry about your mom, I mean like I know you hated her but still." Lauren said sympathetically. "I'm sorry about you teacher, he seemed like a really good guy." "He was" she replied "I'm going to go clean the gym.

Lauren walked down the hall when someone slammed her into a locker "What the hell? Alaric?" She whispered the end "surprise." he said with a sick smile "No your supposed to be dead!" She whispered in disbelief. "I am."

Hearing the struggle Rebekah vamp sped over to them and pulled Alaric off of her. She stabbed him the the heart with the white oak stake but it didn't work so the two girls ran.

Rebekah vamp sped away but Lauren ran with wolf speed which wasn't as fast. Alaric grabbed Lauren and hit her head against a concrete wall knocked her unconscious.


"Alaric saltzman just tried to kill me." Rebekah told her brother "Alaric saltzman should be dead." Klaus stated as he continued to pack "well he's not and he's strong Nik, to strong. We need to leave town now." "Where is he?" He asked "at the school trapped with out a daylight ring. But as soon as light falls he'll come after us."

"Fine. I'll collect Elena and Lauren and we'll be on our way." He said continuing to pack "forget the hybrids and the girl nik. You don't need them." "What I need is an army to protect us." "No you don't. We protect eachother like we always have. Always and forever nik." Rebekah said with a hint of sadness

"I'm not leaving with out them." Klaus demanded "I'm leaving now. You can either walk out that door with me or your on your own." Klaus stopped moving and there was a small silence. "Fine, let your spite be the death of you, see if I care." With that Rebekah stormed out of the house


Lauren woke up and noticed it hurt like hell to breathe. She looked at her hands and saw knives in her hands holding them to the table "right on time." Ric said as he looked up. Elena walked into the room and gasped "Lauren. Let her go Alaric." "Free her your self." He replied simply.

She walked over to the blonde wolf and started to pull the knife out when Alaric came up and slammed it back in. Lauren screamed in pain "you said you would let her go!" Elena exclaimed as she stood up "how many times do I have to tell you. Stop trusting vampires!" Ric demeaned


Ric dipped a piece of fabric in to wolfsbane and then shoved it back into Lauren's mouth to silence her pleas for him to stop.
"Ric stop." Elena tried to stop him but he shoved her back into her chair

"this keeps wolfsbane in her system. It's like in hailing razor blades with ever breath." He said as Lauren stared to gasp and whimper

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