Chapter XVII

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The departed

Elena had collapsed and was taken to the hospital but Damon told Jermey to get her out of there so Matt, Tyler, Caroline and Lauren all went to pick her up and take her home

Caroline lead Elena to the couch and told her to rest while Tyler Matt and Lauren looked around to make sure no one was inside

"I'm thinking maybe tea with vodka." Caroline said as Lauren walked in "ooh, that sounds good. I'll make some." Lauren said as she walked into the kitchen


"I'm being over coddled I feel fine." Elena said from the couch "your on house arrest, you're supposed to be coddled." Stefan replied form the kitchen as he and Lauren cooked and Matt set the table

"wouldn't it be smarter if we got out of town?" Matt asked "just get in the truck and go?" "What and live on the run for the rest of my life? No thank you. And I'm not an invalid. I'm done with the couch." Elena said standing up

"What if stefan turns you?" Lauren asked and everyone looked at her "well Ric would be dead and we all knew it would happen eventually." Elena went to put the blanket away.

"Stefan." She said, we all looked and saw Elijah at the door. "Elijah." Lauren said "hello again."


Elijah walked in and they all sat at the table
"All we need is to take that stake away from him. Once he's been disarmed, the weapons in my possession. My siblings and I will scatter to the ends of the earth, Alaric will follow us."

"And you'll just run?" Lauren asked confused "we've done it before, my sister and Niklaus spent the better part of a thousand years running from my father, what's another 50 years for Elena to live her life?" Elijah asked

"we've finally stopped him Elijah, after everything he's done to us, I can't just let you bring him back." Stefan and Matt nodded in agreement while Lauren just stared at her hands.

"I give you my word, Elena. I will not revive Niklaus in your nor your children's lifetimes. Perhaps that would finally teach him some manners." He said striating out the placemat in front of him

"why should we trust you?" Matt asked "all you've done is screw us over." "And for that I am deeply ashamed. But know this, she could have been dead the second I walked through that door. So Elena I leave it up to you to make the decision, weather to trust me or not." Elijah said calmly

"not! Hello, did that concussion give you brain damage, his lunatic siblings will kill you the first chance they get." Damon said through the phone

"Rebekah and Kol will honor the terms, so long as you return Niklaus's body to us, Elena will come to no harm." Elijah promised "do we have a deal?"

"No. No, no, no, no, no!" Damon exclaimed "shut up Damon." Lauren rolled her eyes "why do you want klaus's body?" Elena asked "Niklaus is my brother. We remain togther." Elijah said simply
"we have a deal." Elena nodded


Damon lead Bonnie to klaus's coffin. Bonnie said she needed an minute and Damon left. Bonnie stood staring at klaus who was staring back at the witch

"you should burn in Hell. But if you die, so does Tyler and caroine. So does my mother. Lauren is just someone who got dragged into your mess and would die too. What am I supposed to do about that?" She asked and klaus just stared at her, unbeknownst to the witch he was freaking out for the blonde wolf he had come to love.


Jermey told Alaric where klaus's body 'was'.
Stefan, Elijah, Jermey, Lauren and Caroline waited for him in the woods but he never showed. All of a sudden Lauren gasped then screamed and grabbed her chest. It felt like someone had stabbed her and she was on fire.

Jermey ran to her and held on to her as she screamed her lungs out "Lauren? What's happening?" Caroline asked as her Elijah and Stefan got there

"klaus." Stefan said quietly, after about two minutes the pain left. Jermey continued to hold her as she panted.

"Damon." Stefan answered the phone, the look on his face confirmed to everyone, klaus was dead which meant so were they "what happened?" Elijah asked

"Tyler." Caroline said quietly, once she saw the looks on everyone's faces. Everyone just stood there as Stefan talked to Damon. Jermey told everyone that Elena was gone.


Caroline sped away and Lauren sped away with her wolf speed. She walked inside and slid down the door "Lauren?" Tyler asked  when she saw the wolf "klaus is dead." She said as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"What are you doing here? Why aren't you with Caroline?" "She wanted to see her mom in case..." he trailed off and she weakly nodded "I thought you hated klaus?" He asked kneeling in front of her.

"I loved him Tyler." She gasped lightly as more tears started to fall down her cheeks "and he's dead." He hugged her and she wrapped her arms around his neck and cried into his shoulder "could you feel it? When he died?" She nodded "mmhmm. But after that I felt different. Like..." she sniffles and pulled back

"like I did before he was dedicated." She wipped her tears away "What if he's alive ty?" She asked hopefully "What if he body jumped or something?" "Maybe it's like your body has to adjust." He suggested and she shook her head

"I don't know Ren." He told her "I'm going to go to bed." She told him and he nodded. "Tyler go see your girlfriend in case..." she trailed off and he nodded "love you Lauren." He said as she stood up "love you too ty." She called back

She pulled her boots off and shrugged her flannel off before flopping down on her bed. She stared at the roof for a minute before walking over to her jewelry box and pulling out the diamond bracelet klaus gave her.

She sat on her bed and ran her finger over the piece of jewelry, thinking of all the moments she had with klaus, regretting the fact that she didn't just tell him and be with him. The blonde sat immersed in her thoughts as stray tears rolled down her cheeks.

She sat in her own little bubble, blissfully unaware of the fact that elena and Matt were in Matt's truck as it sped down toward wickery bridge, but Rebekah was standing in the middle of the road causing Matt to swerve and go off the guard rails. Unintentionally killing Elena, but unbeknownst to all Damon's blood was working it's way through her veins until she shot up with a gasp.

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