Chapter X

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All my children

"He was gloating like, actual gloat. Like he was proud of him self for sleeping with her. Is it working?" Elena, Lauren and Bonnie were in Elena's room trying to recreate the privacy spell Ester had cast at the ball as Elena paced and vented about Damon sleeping with Rebekah.

"It's not working I can here every word your saying about Damon the vampire gigglo." Caroline sighed walking into the room

"I don't know, it's a tricky spell." Bonnie said "when Ester did it she kept the sage burning. There was a lot more smoke." Elena told the witch.

Lauren's phone rang as Bonnie and Elena talked "hello?" Lauren asked as she left the room. "Miss. Evans. My mother would like to have a word with you." "Fin? How the hell do you mikaelson siblings keep getting my number?" Lauren asked "my family's home now." He demanded and hung up.


"Lauren Evans." Ester said as she opened the door before Lauren had even knocked "your son said you want to talk to me?" She asked as she walked inside "follow me." Ester said and lead the wolf into a study

"What am I doing here?" Lauren asked looking around "as you know my son Niklaus is your mate. Which makes you a member of my family." Ester told the wolf.  "I was told the bond was only activated because of you." Lauren said cautiously

"yes. I was the one who enacted your bond with my son."  She confirmed "why? Of all of the wolves in all of the world why me?" The younger blonde asked

"many things drew me to you Lauren, your loyalty, power, your dedication but over all I had hoped you would be able to save Niklaus from himself. But I am afraid my son is beyond redemption." Ester said with a solemn look "I don't understand." The wolf said slightly afraid. Ester simply waved her hand and the girl's body fell limp as she was surrounded by darkness.


Lauren was woken up by her phone ringing "hmm?" She asked as she got off the floor "I've been calling you for hours, where have you been?" Damon snapped "sleeping, apparently." Lauren said slowly as she looked around "What ever I need you to go to the grill and distract klaus." Damon snapped. He hung up before she could reply.

Lauren walked into the grill and saw klaus and Kol at the bar. She walked passed Alaric and Meredith, she shot them a quick look before walking to the bar

"I remember her." Kol said "from the dance the other night. She looks like a tasty little thing." "One more word and I'll tare out your liver. Lauren." Klaus said as the wolf walked passed

"what?" She asked with a fake smile "Care for a drink?" The original asked "hmm, I'd rather die of thirst but thanks." With that she turned and left. "Isn't she stunning?" The hybrid asked his brother

"she certainly looks good walking away from you." Kol smirked "I'll take that as a challenge." Klaus chugged his drink before chasing after the wolf

"Lauren!" He called "what do you want klaus?" She snapped "why so hostile love? The other night you seemed like you couldn't get enough of me." He said with his damn smirk

"a couple sloppy make out sessions does not a relationship make." She said over her shoulder "come on, take a chance lauren. Talk to me, come on, get to know me." He said as he sat on a bench

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