Chapter XVIII

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Growing pains
The memorial

Lauren was in her living room reading old books from her pack trying to find out if the wolves knew of a way to keep Elena human when all of a sudden something came flying through the window

"what the?" She asked, a white fog filled the room and Lauren started coughing. Some came up and injected a syringe into the wolf's neck. She tried to fight back but just wound up passing out about 10 seconds later.


Tyler/klaus sat on the coffin waiting for Bonnie to return when his phone started ringing "you incessant women." He said before answering the phone "hey mom. What's up?"
"Tyler, thank god. Are you ok?" She asked worriedly

"Fine, why? what's going on?" He asked bored "pastor young had me arrested this morning. The council grilled me on your whereabouts. Tyler don't tell me where you are, the less I know the better."

"Mom I'm ok. Relax." He assured her "You didn't answer your phone, I was scared you were in town with Lauren and Caroline." "Why? What happened to Lauren and Caroline?" He asked concerned "the council took them." She explained
"What do you mean took them?"


Lauren slowly woke up and looked around her, Caroline and Rebekah were all in a van, tied to the benches. She started to pull on the ropes to no avail

"vervain ropes. But I imagine yours are wolfsbane." Rebekah informed her "looks like Alaric outed all of us to the council." Caroline stated "the council? What the bloody hell do they think they can do to me?" Rebekah snapped

A loud screech was herd from outside the van and the van flipped on to its side sending the three girls tumbling in the van "what the hell happened?" Rebekah groaned out.

The back door was ripped off its hinges to reveal a silhouette "Tyler?" Caroline asked "I'm harder to kill than you think." He replied and pulled lauren out of the van.

"wait what about us?" Rebekah asked "keep them busy little sister." With that Tyler/Klaus sped off with Lauren in his arms "no, that's not possible." Rebekah whispered as Caroline pulled on the ropes.

"I don't get it how are you alive? Care told me you died." Lauren said with a relieved smile "it's going to sound incredible but..." Tyler/Klaus was cut off by Lauren throwing her arms around him.

She hugged him as tight as she could. She slowly pulled back until they were face to face, for a second she just looked at him until a huge smile came across her face.
She lightly gasped and then laughed.

She smiled before putting her hands on the back of his neck and kissing him "I knew you weren't dead." He looked at her confused

"even if your not in your own body, I can still feel its you klaus." She said with a smile "well then love." He said and Leaned in slightly "umm." She pushed him back by his shoulders

"as fun as it would be to make out with you, maybe we should wait until your out of the body of my best friend, makes things less weird."


Bonnie, Lauren, Jermey, Tyler/klaus and Caroline stood in the witch house basement trying to figure out how to put klaus back "she said she's not strong enough." Jermey defended Bonnie

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