Chapter XI

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The murder of one

"So why are we in the woods?" "I don't know Matt I got the same text as you." Lauren replied as they walked through the woods, when the duo got to a clearing they saw Caroline and Elena talking.

Stefan and Damon walked up "where's Bonnie?" Stefan asked as he looked around "Uh, here mom bailed on her again so she's taking a small break." Care explained

"Why are we here?" Lauren asked "we found some more white oak, long story. Wait for the movie." Damon stated "hang on, you have a weapon that can kill klaus?" Elena asked "no, we all do." Stefan dropped the bag, to reveal it was filled with stakes.

"No last minute attacks of pity for any of them." Damon said, everyone agreed and then turned to Lauren "I'm in." She shrugged
They spent the next few hours running over ways to kill the originals forever


"What do you know? True love prevails." Rebekah said as klaus and her watched fin and sage. "It does occasionally have its uses." Klaus replied "so what about you Nik? Off to see the wolf girl?" Rebekah asked with a smirk "she is somewhere on my list sister."


"Is ur wierd Bonnie's not returning any of my calls?" Elena asked. Caroline, Lauren and Matt shrugged "is it wierd klaus's brother is walking through town square?" Matt asked "that's fin, he left town weeks ago." Lauren said watching the pair

Elena called Stefan and told him about fin. Lauren's phone started ringing "Bonnie? What is it?" She asked "i need a favor." The witch replied


Bonnie was reluctant to start the spell until klaus called Kol and had him threaten Jermey "I can do the spell but there is one thing I'm missing." Bonnie told Klaus and Rebekah who has just walked in "which is?" "Lauren." Bonnie said simply "Esther linked her to all of you too, the night she tried to kill you."

Klaus and Rebekah watched as Bonnie talked to the wolf "I need a favor." Bonnie said "okay, shoot." Lauren replied "I need you to come to the mikaelson house, alone, this isn't really an over the phone conversation." Bonnie explained "ok. I'm on my way." The blonde replied slowly

"Bonnie?" The wolf called as she walked into the mikaelson house "in here love." Klaus showed up and lead her to Bonnie "what do you need me for bon?" She asked "I was right, Esther linked you too. So to unlink you all I need your blood and..." the witch trailed off, Lauren looked confused until a look of realization came across her face "my ring."

Bonnie poured Kol, Elijah, fin, klaus and Rebekah's blood on the table and then cut Lauren's hand and let it bleed out onto the table. Lauren grunted slightly at the pain and klaus was by her side in an instant "I'm fine." She told him with a small smile. Bonnie then took her ring and put it in the blood pile and started chanting.

The blood separated into 6 piles with Lauren's blood staying in the middle under her ring. "Is it done?" Lauren asked and Bonnie nodded "thank you Bonnie. And I'm sorry you had to do this." Lauren said as she pulled Bonnie into a hug. "Yes thank you Bonnie." Klaus said with a smirk "I did this for her not you." Klaus lead Bonnie out of the house.


Lauren followed the smell of blood and found Damon hook to the ceiling by bare traps "oh my god." She went to help him but klaus stoped her just then Stefan and Rebekah walked in.

"What do you want?" Klaus asked not looking away from the wolf "I'm here to make a deal." Stefan said throwing the bag of stakes to klaus "8 white oak stakes. The part of wikery bridge you forgot to burn."

"That's impossible." Rebekah denied "Actually it's not. We just killed fin." Stefan told the originals "you killed my brother?" Rebekah asked lowly "8 stakes in exchange for Damon." Stefan ignored her question "How do I know there aren't anymore left?" Klaus asked "because there aren't." Stefan answered

"let's be certain shall we?" Klaus went to Damon and compelled him "leave." Damon pulled on the traps and grunted in pain as the traps pulled on his skin "Nik he's my play thing, not yours." Rebekah complained, Damon screamed as he pulled on the chains "klaus make him stop!" Lauren exclaimed

"All right, stop. Stop. Stop, your going to hurt yourself." Klaus told Damon "well now that we know you can be compelled, not including the one in my bother, how many more stakes are there?" "11" Damon answered "11 huh?" Klaus asked "I'll get the rest." Stefan begged "enough of this." Rebekah let Damon go and him and Stefan left. Rebekah left the room leaving Lauren and klaus. "Love I..." He started but was cut off by a slap "don't threaten Damon or Bonnie again klaus." She said before going home.


Lauren walked into her room only to see klaus on her bed "oh good god." She scoffed and looked at him "what?" She asked "We haven't actually talked since you and your friends tried to kill me." Klaus told her "which time?" She asked as she sat in her bed next to him. "The bond is getting stronger." Klaus said as they both just stared at the wall

"I know that, I can feel it too." She replied "there is only one way to get the bond to dial down." Klaus said turning his head to look at her, "How?" She asked instead of replying he kissed just below her ear leaving a purple mark in his wake.

She groaned and moved so she was straddling him "I'm still pissed at you for threating my friends." She told him "I know." He replied the two slowly kissed as Lauren pushed him against her bed. She slowly pulled back, pulling his bottom lip into her mouth slightly.

Klaus groaned and swept his tongue across her bottom lip asking for entrance, she denied so he grabbed her ass which made her gasp and open her mouth, he happily explored every inch of her mouth.

The two kissed until klaus's phone rang, he groaned and looked at it "you need to take it?" She asked "it's nothing love." He told her. "Klaus. We're not sleeping together." She said still sitting on his lap "were not?" He asked with a crooked eyebrow "no, because if any of my friends found out, they would actually kill me." She explained

"alright love." Klaus said with a tone of sadness in his voice as he got up "klaus wait." Lauren said as she grabbed his hand "stay with me."  He looked at her for a second and then climbed into the bed with her. She changed into pajamas and laid her head on his chest. She eventually drifted off but klaus stayed and listened to her heartbeat until he too fell asleep

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