Chapter XIX

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The Rager

Lauren was grabbing a book out of her locker when he phone rang from her pocket. "What Tyler?" She asked

"Come to my house now." He demanded "no pleases and thank you's? where are your manners?" She joked "come here before I kill your boyfriend." With that he hung up. She sighed and leaned her head on her locker door.


"Lockwood!" She called as she walked in to Tyler house "what are you doing here love?" Klaus asked from the stairs "I'm here to stop you from killing Tyler or Tyler from trying to kill you." She explained the two fell into an awkward silence for a moment until klaus cleared his throat.

"I was on my way out so." He walked passed her but she grabbed his arm and spun him around "can you take us somewhere with less prying ears?" Lauren asked him. He picked her up bridal style and took her to the woods with his vampire sped.

"Why are we..." He was cut off by her soft lips on his "I love you Klaus Mikaelson." She said when they pulled back a large genuine smile slid across his face "Are you sure?" He asked quietly. "I've never been more sure about anything in my life."

She said with a small smile, he kissed her once again, more passionately this time. He sped them over to a tree and connected his lips to hers once again, he trailed his lips down her neck sucking loved bites all over, claiming her as his for everyone to see.

She pushed his black jacket off his shoulders never breaking the kiss. He pulled her jacket off before pulling back and taring her shirt down the middle. He smirked before he started kissing her neck again.

She grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head. Klaus moved his lips to her collar bone leaving purple marks in his wake. She leaned her head back and let out a breathy moan. Klaus started kissing the sides of Lauren's neck and she started to gasp and pant lightly.

Lauren dug her nails down klaus's shoulders drawing blood, klaus growled and connected their lips again, klaus slid his tongue across her bottom lip, asking for entrance which she denied so klaus grabbed her ass causing her to gasp, he took the opportunity to slide his tongue into her mouth.

The two fought for dominance, to which klaus obviosuly won. Lauren wrapped her legs around klaus's waist and he pulled back "Are you sure love?" He asked the girl "positive." She replied and kissed started to kiss his throat.


Lauren sat in Tyler's den talking to a hybrid name Ashton when another wolf walked into the room. "Who are you?" The other wolf asked. Lauren stood up and turned around "Hayles?" Lauren asked shocked "Ren?" Hayley asked just as shocked "oh my god." Lauren said with a smile the two walked over and hugged

"wow. It's been so long." Hayley said when they pulled back "what are you doing here?" Lauren asked "I'm here to help Tyler what about you?" Hayley asked

"I live in mystic falls hayls." Lauren turned to the hybrid "Ashton leave." "Oh. My. God. No way. If your here in mystic falls it must be true?" Hayley asked in shock

"what's true?" Lauren asked as she sat down "you really are klaus's mate?" "Oh dear god, even you know?" Lauren asked as she flopped down onto the couch. "Ren, everyone knows about it." "Well, something just happened that will probably make the bond a lot worse." Lauren said sheepishly

"oh no. What did you do?" Hayley asked the blonde "I slept with klaus." "Wow, so what now?" Hayley asked "if only I knew."

AN - sorry this is so short. I'm kind of having trouble putting Lauren in to the plot lines of season 4. But I was so happy with this chapter because finally Klaus and Lauren did it. And sorry if that was crap, I've never written anything other than fluff and angst so.

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