Chapter VI

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Our Town

Lauren, Bonnie, Matt and Elena were all at Caroline's house waiting to surprise her for her birthday, "SURPRISE!" They yelled when she walked in "what are you guys doing here?" She asked

"Well you skipped school and missed our birthday art, so uh..." Elena put the crown on Caroline "Change into warmer clothes, were going to the falls." Bonnie told the vampire "we've got s'mores, campfire, cake and the best one tequila." Lauren sang and they all chuckled.

"thanks guys, really I'm just not feeling my birthday this year." Care said "um no. You've already claimed your birthday as everyone's favorite day." Lauren told her best friend

"yeah, and now it's a reminder that technically I'm dead. Look I didn't even like 17, it was just a filler year to get to 18. I'm stuck in a filler year!" She exclaimed "I just need some time to wallow in it." "Ok, new idea." Elena said with a small smile.


"This is creepy, even for us." Bonnie said as they walked into a crypt "no, Care was right, technically, she's dead." Caroline made an annoyed face so Lauren wrapped her arm around her

"sorry, but you don't need a birthday. You need a funeral." Elena finished. Care chuckled "ok, here lies Caroline Forbes." "Cheerleader, miss. Mystic falls, third grade hopscotch champion." Elena started

"Best friend, daughter, over-achiever." Lauren said as she wrapped an arm around cares shoulder "mean girl, sometimes." Matt said laughing "She was 17 and she had a really good life, so Rest In Peace. So that she can move forward." Bonnie finished

"amen or cheers or whatever." Lauren said as she took a drink of tequila.
Bonnie lit the candles on the cake and caroline blew them out, they all cheered.


They were all pretty drunk and laughing when Elena asked "Caroline what are you doing?" "What? hmm? Nothing." Care lied "Yeah, your a bad sober liar, your an even worse drunk liar."

"I might have texted Tyler." "Caroline." Elena sighed "what? I'm delicate." Care wined "give her a break. You can't control what people do all of the time." Bonnie snapped

"wow." Elena said "I'm sorry but I think it's really wrong that you compelled Jermey" Bonnie explained "you know you guys are ruining a perfectly good funeral" Matt said "I'm sorry, I'm going to go sleep it off or something. Happy birthday." Bonnie said as she left.


Tyler walked into the crypt and they all stopped laughing "sorry. I didn't mean to crash the party." Tyler said "then don't." Lauren said as she put her head back on Matt's lap "no it's uh... it's ok, hi." Care said to him "can I talk to you for a sec?" Tyler asked "it's kind of important." They left the crypt leaving Lauren Matt and Elena to drink and talk.


Lauren Elena and Matt were looking around for Caroline in the woods. They were drunkenly joking but Lauren was to Focused on the smell of blood. "Guys." She said to them, all of a sudden Lauren and Matt were thrown into a wall and Stefan ran off with elena. Lauren found Caroline on the ground shaking and sweating.


They brought her back to the Forbes house and into her room "sheriff!" Matt yelled "oh my god! What happened?" Sheriff asked as she let us in "Tyler." Lauren replied "oh my god. Oh my god. Sweetheart. Be careful, careful." She said as Matt put care in her bed

"oh. Honey" sherif said. Caroline groaned in pain "I'm sorry mommy." "She's been hallucinating and no one is answering their phones." Lauren told her.


Lauren called klaus at least 40 times before he actually answered "what is it love." He asked sounding annoyed "Klaus." She said her voice wavering slightly "I need to you come to Caroline's house, now, please." She asked him.

He hung up and 10 seconds later he was in front of her "what's wrong?" He asked as he put his hands on each side of her face

"Tyler, he bit Caroline, but you blood can heal her right?" She asked him hopeful, he nodded lightly "please klaus, don't let her die." He looked at her for a minute before going to the door.

The sheriff let him in and showed him to cares room while Lauren waited in the living room with Matt and the sheriff.


"Are you here to kill me?" She asked "On your birthday? Do you really think that low of me?" "Yes." Caroline rasped out "You know I like birthdays."  "What I know is  you want Lauren to like you so your not going to let me die." She said in a raspy voice.

"I could let you. Die. If that's what you want. If you really believe your existence has no meaning. I've thought about myself, once or twice over the centuries, truth be told. But I'll let you in on a little secret. There is a whole world out there waiting for you. You can have it and a thousand more birthdays, all you have to do is ask." He whispered "I don't want to die."

He fed her his blood and let her lay down. He walked toward the door but looked at Lauren for a second "I'll be back." She told them as she followed the hybrid out.

"Klaus." Lauren said quietly, he stopped and looked at her. She walked up to him and put her arms around his neck "thank you." She whispered before she kissed him as hard as she could.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her back "thank you for saving her." She told him when they pulled back "anytime love." He said with a smile before vamp speeding away.

She walked inside. "You mind if I stay the night?" Lauren asked "not at all." Sheriff replied. She walked into the living room and shrugged off her jacket. She laid down on the couch and stared at the ceiling, the kiss with klaus running on repeat in her head.

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