Chapter XII

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Heart of darkness

"What is this?" Caroline asked as she looked around "the decades dance, remember you forced us to help." Matt told the blonde "no I mean this. The dance is 70's not 20's!" Care exclaimed "to flashy people it's supposed to be a speakeasy not the worlds fair." Rebekah demanded "ah good Your here, they need help setting up tables, you, Wolf girl help too."

"What do you think your doing?" Caroline glared "somebody had to be in charge." Rebekah shrugged "Yeah me. I'm the chair of the dance committee." Caroline snapped "and the theme of the decade dance is the 1970's" Lauren sassed "you would pick the flashy 70's over the jazz era? Honestly I don't know what my brother sees in you." Rebekah said eyeing the wolf up.

"Well maybe he sees a challenge. Because unlike some people I don't sleep with the first person who makes eye contact with me." "Maybe we can do both decades." Matt suggested "no" all three girls responded Caroline got mad and stormed off, Matt went after her

"Lauren." Rebekah called as the girl started to walk off "ugh, what?" She asked turning back around "have you talked to my brother lately?" She asked "Why?" "Because we all know the two of you have feelings for each other and I don't understand why you both don't just go for it. Why you keep pushing him away." Rebekah explained "what is happening between me and your brother is... complicated... but I don't hate him, if that's what your thinking." With that Lauren left


Stefan called her and asked her to come over and help with Alaric "hey." She said as she walked into the caller "hey, I have to go call Damon can you stay for a while?" Stefan asked "of corse." She replied as she took Stefan's seat.

"So Ric, how are you feeling?" "Angry, vengeful, guilty, take your pick." He replied "Ric, you cant feel guilty about this." She said in a soft voice "how could I not?" He snapped back "i can't control what he does, what I do. And I kill people Lauren, tell me why I shouldn't feel guilty." He said in a pleading voice "you want to hear a story?" She asked

"When I was 11, my dad was on this power craze and for some reason got it in his head that my family would be stronger if we were wolves. He wanted us to kill people and activate the curse, none of my siblings or I wanted to though, so he convinced a vampire friend of his to compel us to kill someone. We all tried as hard as we could to fight the compulsion but, eventually it didn't work. We all felt so guilty for killing someone, even if it was completely out of our control. Until I realized we can either let the guilt consume you or you can accept that something horrible has happened and try to move on, it's all your choice."

"Well this is depressing isn't it?" Klaus asked as he and Stefan walked in "oh and I uh... found this upstairs" he held up a stake "now by my count there should be one more." "Yeah we need a little more time to find it." Lauren told him from behind Stefan "Why because were waiting for that one to pass out? I'd rather just kill him." Klaus said

"Well then you won't know the location of the last stake." Lauren pointed out "I can live with that." Klaus shrugged

"Well I can't" Stefan stoped klaus "when we staked Fin we discovered if you kill an original it's entire blood line falls. So until we find out which original turned our bloodline I'm not taking any chances."

"So the fate of the entire vampire race depends on you finding the stake?" Stefan and Lauren both nodded "Then I feel perfectly justified doing this." Klaus broke Alaric's neck "there sleeping like a baby."


Lauren went with klaus to the mansion, they walked in and saw Esther laying on the ground with Rebekah kneeling in front of her "what's going on?" Klaus asked "she's dead." Rebekah replied not looking away from Esther. Klaus looked at his mother for a minute before storming away "Rebekah." The wolf tried but Rebekah just vamp sped away.

Lauren sighed and walked upstairs, she saw klaus sitting on his bed staring at the wall. Lauren didn't say anything instead she got in the bed next to him and took his hand in hers. She put her head on his shoulder and intertwined their fingers. They moved so klaus was laying on the bed and Lauren way laying next to him.

The pair stayed like that until Lauren's phone started to ring waking both of them up "Stefan?" Lauren asked in a groggy voice "I found it." The vampire said simply "huh?" Lauren asked "the stake, I got evil rick to tell me where it is, I just can't get it." He explained "why not?" She asked rubbing the sleep from her eyes "it's in the cave." He told her "ok, I'll come over and have Ric show me where it is." She assured him. Lauren hung up her phone and put it back in her shorts pocket. "I'll see you later." She left a chaste kiss on his lips and went to go get the stake.

"It's good to see you two so close." Rebekah said from Klaus's door way "what are you going on about?" He asked "the two of you continue to try to ignore it but when your together it's obvious, your falling for her klaus." Rebekah told her brother "nonsense, love is a vampires greatest weakness and we dear sister are not weak." "Deny it all you want Nik, but you are falling in love with the wolf girl."


Klaus and Rebekah followed Lauren to the Salvatore house. Rebekah went with Ric and Klaus stayed with Stefan. Stefan told klaus to get the hell out of his house, klaus went to the mansion but Lauren went to her own house.


"Tyler?" She asked as she saw the hybrids sitting on her porch "what are you doing here?" "Can I crash here for a while?" He asked looking sad and stressed "um, sure. Come in." The pair walked into the house "I'm going to bed. Lock the door and you can crash in one of the guest rooms if you want." "Lauren?" He asked, she stopped walking up the steps and turned around "hmm?" "Thanks." He nodded  "Anytime." She smiled and left

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