America's POV

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I take a deep breath as I reach our tree house. 'Our' feels so wrong to say. This is it, today I am going to come clean.  I am America Singer,  I am a five and I have been breaking a hell lot of rules for a guy named Aspen Leger. We have been sneaking out since we met a year ago at his sister's birthday.  Aspen is a six, one caste below mine, my mom would honestly kill me if she finds out but hopefully there is no way of her finding out after today. He is great really in case you guys were wondering but he is just not my type. He is way too protective and I am not the kind of girl who needs a knight in shining armour to rescue me, no thanks I would rather rescue myself.  Today I am going to tell him that I don't 'feel' that way about him. Hopefully he takes it well and we can continue being friends.


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