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It's been 4 days since the rebel attack and today we have a interview with the Prince. I'm dressed in a beautiful off shoulder blue gown.

I make my way to the ladies room where the interview takes place

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I make my way to the ladies room where the interview takes place. I meet Maxon's eyes and he gives me a reassuring smile and I smile back. The interview starts with the king briefing everyone on the status of war and the rebel attack. Maxon takes over as Gavril interview Maxon with each of the selected. I am last so I don't really pay much attention except for Celeste who was flirting on screen! It takes a lot of me to hide my disgust. Even today she tried to get my dress because it was prettier than hers. Her nerve. Soon enough it's my turn and I make my way to the stage.
Gavril asks me what I enjoy the most and I know I can't tell him about spending time with Maxon as only Marlee had gone for a date with him because I told him she was really sweet and all so I tell him about how friendly the other girls are which is partially true as Marlee and Emma are the closest friends I have ever had and of course I can't leave out the food which was absolutely heavenly after my interview Maxon gets up to make an announcement. I am shocked when he announces that due to the rebel attack he is going to send a few girls back leaving only 14 of us and that by the next week Illea will have its Elite.
Everyone except the king seems shocked. Before leaving the room Maxon tugs his ear and I tug it back .


Hey guys, should I make the entire series till THE ONE in this story or should I make a sequel for this ( The Elite) ?
Pls give me your opinion.

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