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One thing about being the Prince is sometimes it is really hard to tell if you are alive or just there. You feel like you don't have you're individuality in other words you feel like you are a puppet. Empty.
But right now at this very moment as I run around the garden as America chases me, there is one thing I know for sure I am alive this second I am living and not just existing.

The poor thing tries to catch me but that is impossible with those heels. I slow down a little bit for her to catch up and BAM she trips on her long blue gown and falls on me taking us both down. I look into her eyes and see the loveliest shade of blue. It is really different than mine and much more beautiful. Our I locks for a minute and then both of us burst into laughter.  After spending a few minutes laughing on the ground in help her up and she is still giggling and I can't help but chuckle.  As much as I want to stay here I know we both need to get back I offer her my hand and lead her back into the palace. I bid her goodnight and go to bed with a satisfied smile on my face.

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