America's POV

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I felt myself being shaken to consciousness. I slowly flicker my eyes open and I am blinded by the light, when my eyes finally adjust to the darkness I see the face of my 3 maids looking down at me.
" Lady America, you're awake" exclaims Lucy. I smile and slowly the memories come back. " what happened? " I asked frantically and Mary explains how I hit my head pretty hard because someone pushed me and how Maxon was the one who carried me to the safe room. Apparently he stayed in my room after the attack until he had to go to attend to some Princely duties.  How very sweet of him. I lay back as the dizzy spell hits me again. I groan into my pillow trying to block the world away I am not successful because within a minute or so I hear the door open and I hear the maids go out but I can't bother myself to look up.
" America? " comes Maxon's caring and soft voice, I "mmmm" in response and he chuckles. " I was so worried about you, I really wanted to stay but I had to go I am soo very sorry. " he says.
I turn around and give him a weak smile assuring him that it was alright and thanked him for saving my life. "I almost forgot!" He exclaims and I ask him what and he brings out a tray of pancakes and strawberry tarts!!! He knows me so well. I give him a bone crushing hug and he chuckles and says that if he kept giving me food I'll fall for him and will soon end up marrying him. His nerve. I mock glare but it quickly turns into a grin. One cannot help but fall for Maxon. Wait, what was that? I guess the maids weren't kidding when they told me I hit my head pretty hard.


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