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America's pov-

In the past weeks I have been falling in love with this surrounding and it's people more and more. The palace almost feels like home now.

I'm in my own world when the rebel alarm goes off. I shoot out to the safe room. I'm half way there when I feel a pair of hands holding me back. I try to struggle away from the rebel who is dress in the uniform of one of the palace soldier.

Shoot! The rebels have their sources inside the palace. It is almost impossible to find out who is a rebel amongst us.

As I continue to struggle, I feel something heavy come in contact with my head. " Quick, take her into the van now she will be our key to our victory. " says a very familiar voice. My vision becomes blurry and I become weak on my knees.

I feel myself being dragged away by a pair of strong hands. When I'm being dragged, I get a glance of the familiar voice which had commanded the soldier. I am able to make out a blurry outline of Kriss. Oh my God.  Kriss has been a part of the rebels all this while! No one in the palace knows about this! And just like that I'm surrounded by darkness.

It could be a figment of my imagination but before I fell into a world of eternal darkness, I heard Maxon's voice calling out for me.

Hey you all, long time no see. Here's your next chapter.  Enjoy💙

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