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I am glad Maxon and I came to some agreement of sorts. I have been practicing my music and before I know it it is time for dinner. He is going to send the girls who he feels have no chance of being Queen today. I am guessing at least 5 will be gone if not more. My maids - Lucy, Anne and Mary quickly touch up my make-up before I go to dinner. I reach the hall and almost all the girls along with Maxon are there (I wasn't late, the others came early ). Maxon gives me small smile, you can easily say he is nervous. I try and muster up the most reassuring smile. He asks all of us to take a seat and I notice both the King and Queen are absent.
Maxon clears his throat to gain our attention and once he has it he starts speaking.
"Hello Ladies,  it's been great meeting you all but I am afraid after dinner only 20 of you will be remaining. "
He is cut off by numerous gasps and some girls are on the verge of tears. I am shocked myself 14 girls are going home on the first day. He awkwardly continues -
" so, the ones who would be staying are-
By the end of the list 14 girls were left in tears and Maxon looked terrified. He wasn't kidding when he told me he was bad with girls. He comes over to me and asks me to meet him in the garden after an hour.  Thankfully, no one notices. He leaves after apologising to the girls who have to return once again and assures them that he is sure they would do great in life. I can't help but be relieved that I am not leaving.  Maybe just maybe this golden cage isn't as awful as I expected it to be.....


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