The Gift

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He sits there waiting for me to complete my food and once I gobbled it all up I look up at him and smile and he smiles back. Then it hits me that I haven't given me my gift yet. " Maxon? " I ask slyly " yes my dear?" He replies I would usually given back a witty answer for that one but he has been nothing but loving and I don't feel like arguing with him. "So, do you want to open my present now?"
I ask him and he nods his head up and down so fast I am afraid it will fall off. I smile and gently reach for the album wrapped in blue sheets and hand it over to him whispering a happy birthday.
He opens it and his eyes widen in surprise as he takes in every millimeter of the album he slowly flips through the pages I spent hours on he slowly closes it and looks up and he looked deeply touched.
He comes forward to give me a hug which I gladly return . " you have no idea how much this means to me " he says and I bury my head into his shoulder and say " I am so glad you liked it." He smiles and hesitantly pulls away.  "3 girls left today, that leaves 17 of you and I don't want to push you or anything but is there a chance that you know have some feelings for me?"
I smile at how hesitant and scared he seemed. " I think I have found a thing or two about you that I like a lot. I think there is more than a little chance I might be having some "feelings " for you" I say with a grin.
He smiles his ear to ear smile and tells me he had to leave but he would be back later. He leaves not before placing a kiss on my forehead and I swear there were butterflies in my stomach. I go to sleep with a content smile on my face.


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