Far from home

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I wake up with my head pounding painfully. Well that's weird, why was my head hurting so badly all of a sudden?

Slowly the events prior to me fainting came back to me and like any ordinary human, the first thing I did was panic. I tried to move my hands but they are tied, how perfect. I looked around my surroundings trying to find out where I was but the room is was in was pitch black, the only source of light was a small window which was too small and high up for me to reach, even if I could my legs were tied up. The odds were definitely in my favour  (Sea what I did there? )

I do the most logical thing and screaming at the top of my voice. I continued screaming for a good 4 (like the number not Four :p ) minutes before the doors swung open and pretty pissed looking Kriss entered the room followed by two of the palace guards. The smug look on her face made me want to punch her in the face.

"If it isn't poor little America" Kriss said in a mocking tone and I rolled my eyes.

"Why am I here?" I asked trying to sound as calm as I could in such a situation.

She smirked and looked so purely evil that moment that she could have given Thanos a run for his money  (or infinity stones).

"That honey, is for you to find out later for now be a good girl and behave, I'm not going to tolerate your tantrums like Maxon" and with that she left with the guards on her trail leaving me extremely confuse and surprisingly really scared.



Hey, sorry for being gone for sooo long. School has been hectic and writer's block literally lasted forever. Vote and comment if you liked the chapter and sorry  (not really ) for the numerous fandom mentions :).

Thank you so much for 2k+ reads, you guys are awesome

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