The Prince

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4 guards came to collect me for my flight to the palace in a lavish car. It is so beautiful.  It took every bit of me not to cry while saying goodbye to my family. That's stupid I know, I will probably meet them within the next week because I know there is no way I will make it to the Elite or the One not unless the Prince has a really bad taste in selecting the future Queen. We reach the flight and I see it am not alone. 2 other Ladies are travelling along with me, they introduce themselves as Marlee and Celeste. Marlee is kind and sweet and she is a 4 but you can't say the same about Celeste who is a 2 and apparently a famous model.

We are greeted by Silivia who informs us that we will meet the royal family tomorrow and today we will be touring a bit of the palace and get makeovers if you want to. A lot of girls grabbed the opportunity and dolled themselves with tons of makeup, clothing and jewellery. I just sat there along with Marlee and another girl named Emma. We made some small talk and it seemed like the three of us would make good friends despite the competition.

All of this lavish and sparkly things are making me dizzy.  Too much perfection.  I just feel so claustrophobic. I just wanna go out at least for a few minutes . You can't blame me all of this is to much to take for a 5. I met my maids before dinner and they treated me like royalty and all this is just a bit too overwhelming. I decide to go out to the gardens for awhile and I dash down the stairs. I just reach the doors when to guards stop me telling me that I wasn't allowed to go out of the palace without the permission of one of the members of the royal family.  I try to argue but it doesn't work I am this close to giving up and by now I am totally panicked and I am breathing really heavily . As I am about to leave I hear a deep voice ordering the guards to let me go. I don't wait to see the person,  I just run as I run I hear footsteps behind me.  I stop and calm myself down.  I slowly turn to meet the brilliant blue eyes of none other than the Prince.  I look back down and mutter a small thanks. He replies with a " anytime dear " and we go back and forth talking more like arguing.  His nerve he might be the Prince but I told him that I am not his dear and yet he called me dear and ran off. I stand there paralysed for a second before a small smile breaks through my face and I run after him. Maybe the selection would go better than I expected.


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