Meeting the girls

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*pacing back and forth *
Someone please kill me I need to meet 35 girls today :( . I am going to die because I have no idea what to do . Well at least there is meeting America again to look forward to. I am on my way to the dining hall where the girls are already present. I consider running once I reach the door but nope can't do that. I stumble inside the room and thankfully only America notices my little stunt. Real smooth of me. She is trying to stifle a laugh but isn't doing a very good job and I shoot her a playful glare which doesn't help her laughter and I can't help but smile. The breakfast is really awkward. Whenever I look up in find someone or the other staring at me wide eyed. I turn towards where America is seated and she seems to be in pure bliss alas the reason for her bliss isn't spending time in the palace but the strawberry tart in her hand. I have the urge to pull her leg so I go ahead and ask her if she is enjoying herself and she replies with a smirk and says that yes as the food here is amazing and I can't help but chuckle. After a really uneventful breakfast I am asked to spend 10 minutes  (horrifying q0 mins may I add ) with each girl. I leave America for the last so I could speak to her without other girls staring. I get some really annoying answers. When I asked them why they feel like they should be the Princess I got answers like-
" I can make a perfect French braid"
"I am really good at cooking "and
" At times I can read people's minds when I look into their eyes "
Are all these bunch of crap supposed to impress me? I keep smiling through the pain and by the time the 34th girl leaves I have 14 girls whom I wanna kick out ASAP at least now I'm done with all the nonsense and can speak with America  (I am 100% positive she can't speak "nonsense" which seems to be a common language amongst the girls).

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