Chapter 1

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Christian fucking Grey! Of all the people in the world, that bitch had been dating the man who took everything that should have been mine! I hated her, but nowhere near as much as I hated him. I couldn't believe it when his hired goons showed up seconds after Ana ran from me. Like the others, I meant her to be mine. And now, between her and Grey, they'd cost me everything I'd worked so hard to achieve.

Ana's kick between my legs ruptured one of my nuts. Combined with the beating from Grey's thugs, I was in a bad way by the time the police relented and took me to a hospital. There they announced I would be charged, outright refusing to consider my claims of assault, declaring Ana's attack on me as justifiable self-defense and claiming there was no evidence Grey's security staff did anything beyond restrain me while waiting for the police to arrive. Looks like even New York's finest weren't immune to Grey's influence, or more likely his abundant cash!

An hour of surgery, and one testicle later, I'd woken up handcuffed to the hospital bed with a summons to appear in court in several weeks' time. Not long after, Roach rang to terminate my employment with Seattle Independent Publishing, telling me Grey was putting the word out any company employing me could expect to make his shit-list. No one would risk the megalomaniac's wrath; I'd never work in publishing again. Between Grey, and his cock-teasing bitch, they'd done a real number on me. They'd ruined me.

There was no point returning to Seattle. Other than my car, and a few bits of cheap IKEA furniture in my apartment, there was nothing for me there. When I was discharged from hospital, with a substantial bill my now defunct SIP corporate health insurance plan would not cover, I left my phone in the trash can, drained my bank account, and disappeared.

From here on in, Jack Hyde would cease to exist. I'd built my way from the ground up once - I could sure as hell do it again. But this time, I had a mission. Grey would get a taste of how it felt to think everything he ever wanted was within reach to then have it ripped away from him.

Payback is a bitch. I didn't yet know how, or when, but Grey and his bitch would suffer and regret the day they fucked with Jack Hyde!

 I didn't yet know how, or when, but Grey and his bitch would suffer and regret the day they fucked with Jack Hyde!

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I stole a car and took off with no immediate destination in mind. While it was easy to lose yourself in New York, it was an expensive city, and I didn't doubt Grey would have people looking for me. Far easier to go somewhere smaller. So that's why I headed to Detroit. A shit hole I'd hoped never to set foot in again, it hadn't improved with the economic downturn yet that made it the ideal place to hide. Since I would not risk returning to Seattle, it wasn't like I had any other home to return to. It was a city full of broken people and promises.

It would be marginally quicker to cross into Canada and cut across to Detroit that way, however I didn't want to risk a border crossing. Everything I knew about Christian Grey suggested he would exhaust every avenue looking for me - and crossing the border would leave a record. So I elected to drive to the south of Lake Erie, approaching Detroit via Toledo.

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