Chapter 16

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Earlier Christian had planned to spend the afternoon at home, but after our disagreement he'd taken off. I was still feeding Teddy in our bedroom when Gail slipped in to announce that Taylor had called her to advise he and Christian had arrived at Grey House. I was unsurprised. Christian often retreated to the office when we disagreed. While right now I felt relief, I understood I needed to prepare myself to go over this again when he got home, no doubt armed with a litany of arguments to further his cause.

I hadn't expected Christian to be so irrational when I raised the idea of Teddy not being circumcised. Admittedly, I should not have called it mutilation, but I honestly considered it a weird and outdated practice, so I couldn't understand why Christian was so insistent about having it done to our son. Sure, it was about 'being clean' back when people showered two or three times a year but hey – things had moved on since then! The reading I'd done said circumcision rates were declining pretty much everywhere else in the developed world, those performed now most often done for religious reasons.

But was it that big a deal? The risks of the procedure, while there, were minimal – and I knew Christian would do the research to ensure Dr. Blaine was appropriately skilled and experienced at it. And perhaps Christian had a point about being the odd one out? I didn't want to set Teddy apart from him peers. For whatever reason, circumcision was still widely practiced here – perhaps I should just 'go with the flow'?

My mother had proven to be spectacularly unhelpful when I raised the issue with her, saying that since I didn't have a penis, I should defer to Christian's wishes. I didn't distrust my husband; I just believed permanently removing our son's foreskin a topic worthy of discussion and careful consideration!

Once she'd said her piece, noticing my disquiet Mom kept things light, and we talked about the GEH meet and greet. I'd expected Mom would come with us, but she deferred, saying she'd prefer to stay at Escala. She helped me pick an outfit for Teddy and one for myself – both tasks easier said than done. Teddy because he would be the center of attention and I wanted him to look his best, me because I still had a small baby belly, my breasts were larger, and nothing seemed to sit 'right.' Discarding one outfit after another, I ultimately settled on a blush pink loose silk blouse with a pair of tailored black pants and heels.

Not too bad, if I did say so myself, I thought, taking in my reflection in our dressing room mirror. Between Teddy, and a movie with Mom, the rest of the afternoon flew, and before I knew it dinner time had arrived. However, my husband had not.

"Mrs. Grey? Taylor just called to say Mr. Grey is stuck at Grey House on an urgent call with Taiwan. Mr. Grey asked you not to wait up for him."

Tears pricked my eyes as I thanked Gail, gesturing for Mom to join me at the dining table. Mrs. Taylor's chicken pot pies were one of my favorite meals, and normally I'd devour them, however tonight my appetite was non-existent. I consumed two or three mouthfuls, but anything more than that proved beyond me. After dinner I watched television with Mom, however when Christian still hadn't returned by Teddy's 10:00 pm feed, I went to bed alone.

 After dinner I watched television with Mom,  however when Christian still hadn't returned by Teddy's 10:00 pm feed, I  went to bed alone

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