Chapter 21

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It was a relief to step into Dad's study. Kate had been such a fucking bitch during lunch. If she hadn't been Elliot's fiancée, and Ana's best friend, I would have had her fucked over well and truly for her comments about my wife. However, Mom's remark about a 'little talk' had not escaped me, so it was probably best all-around the guys retreated to the comparative calm of Dad's study and let Mom and Kate duke it out.

"Been a while since us guys have hung out," Grandpa Theo said innocuously seating himself in an armchair in front of Carrick's desk.

"That's true," Dad added, also taking a seat before giving Elliot a loaded look.

My eyes flicking between three generations of my family, I gathered something was up.

"Well, Lelliot? Spit it out..." I said, noticing our father and grandfather look at my older brother expectantly.

"Christian? I get everyone treats you like a walking ATM, and I never want it to be like that between us, but I was hoping to ask you for a bit of help? While I've been working on your new place, I've got to know some of your neighbors. The owners next but one to your place have indicated they might be willing to sell. It's a single wedge-shaped block with a small lake frontage. The view is not as good, and the house needs to be leveled - but because of all that the price is just within my reach. I went to the bank, and I'm confident I can cover the repayments, but since I'm technically self-employed, despite the size of Grey Constructions and all our contracts, they won't loan me so much without additional security."

I nodded, gesturing for my brother to continue.

"Because I'm planning a knock-down rebuild, it worries the bank I am temporarily lowering the value of the property and if I was to default, they might get less for the property than I'd borrowed. So... I was hoping you might be willing to give surety for me? All proper, with a legal contract and everything. I've looked at other options, and this seems like the only way I could make it happen. I realize I don't say it enough, but family is important. Where you've bought is beautiful, and the perfect place to raise a family. But the main reason I want to buy there is it's close to you and Ana. I hope one day I'll have kids to play with Teddy, and I'd like us to be close by."

Sitting in a chair opposite my grandfather, I couldn't pretend to be unaffected by everything my brother had said. Elliot joked around a lot, but this was from the heart. Nothing he was saying seemed to surprise Dad or Grandpa Theo, so he'd obviously talked to them about it first.

He handed me a sheaf of papers outlining the proposed purchase price, the loan terms and his repayment schedule. Elliot was right – from what I knew of Grey Constructions, he should be able to service the debt; but assuming nothing changed dramatically with his income, he'd be making repayments for years. The figure he'd asked me to guarantee was barely a blip on the radar in my scheme of things – and had I known the property was available I would have snapped it up at that price without thinking twice about it. But this was a big thing for my brother – he wanted to provide a home for his future family.

"I need to discuss this with Ana, but I think we should be able to work something out," I replied cautiously. "I'll talk to her in the next few days – is Tuesday or Wednesday ok for an answer?"

"That's good. The Sullivan's are away visiting their daughter until Friday. I said I'd try to have an answer for them then."

Smiling, I leaned forward to shake my brother's hand. I'd buy the property for Elliot, but I appreciated buying a family home was a big thing for him and I wouldn't humiliate him by making light of his request or just gifting him the land. Part of being a family man was providing for your family. But like hell I'd let my brother get fucked over by a bank for hundreds of thousands of dollars in interest when it wasn't necessary. I'd always planned to purchase the properties adjacent to our new home if they became available. We didn't need the space, so if Elliot wanted to make a home there, I wasn't opposed.

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