Chapter 33

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I wasn't about to voice it to Ana, but as far as I was concerned the further away Kate – in fact all the Kavanaghs were – the better. Between Ethan, Kate and Eamon I'd well and truly had enough!

Usually, in a situation like this, I'd deploy my considerable resources to fuck over the other party, but being my sister's boyfriend, my wife's best friend, and their father that wasn't an option. So I kept my thoughts to myself as Clarke drove Elliot, Ana, Teddy and me to the inevitable shit storm bound to take place at Ethan's apartment.

"Elliot? When we get there don't go nuts," I cautioned. The last thing any of us needed was another scene or worse – police or paparazzi attendance.

"That's easy for you to say," Elliot growled from the passenger seat.

"You don't know any of the facts... She might only be going for a couple of weeks," I argued.

"Did you have any idea Kate was thinking about this?" Elliot asked, turning in his seat to stare at Ana.

"When I was over there on Thursday, Kate's mom mentioned an offer from an uncle in London to work for him there for a while," she admitted with unease.

"So she could be away for months?" Elliot moaned. "Fuck that! I've got to stop her from going!"

Ana shot me an alarmed glance before she continued, "Christian is right, Elliot. If you go in there all guns blazing, it will just push Kate further away. If you want to fight for her, tell her that. Let her know you'll give her the space she needs, but you want to try to find your way back from this."

"How about you say your piece, then come back to Escala with me?" I suggested to Elliot trying to head off an argument. "That will give Ana and José a chance to say their goodbyes."

Elliot grunted in what I hoped meant acquiescence, and we traveled the rest of the way to the Pike Market district in silence. We were pulling up in the private parking lot when Elliot snarled ominously, "Just keep Ethan away from me. If he starts something, I'll finish it."

"Ana. Take Teddy and go straight into Kate's room with Clarke," I warned. As a potentially volatile situation, nothing would come ahead of Ana and Teddy's safety in my books.

"I'm sure that won't be necessary," Ana argued with a confidence I didn't share.

"Ana..." I growled, feeding off Elliot's nervous tension. I needed Ana and Teddy to be safe. No matter what!

"Fine, Christian. If it makes you feel better."

"It does," I said grasping Ana's hand and holding it above Teddy's car capsule. I didn't want to explain in front of Clarke and Elliot that my earliest memories were of fighting and people shouting, and how I didn't want Teddy ever to experience such ugliness.

"Don't worry, man. I'll keep it together," Elliot promised, recognizing my tension and understanding where it stemmed from. When I'd first come home with Grace and Carrick, even an argument on television would send me scuttling under the nearest bed or hiding behind the sofa. While I'd overcome my fear, in time, raised voices and punch-ups were not what I wanted for my son to experience.

Clarke pulled up outside the apartment block, and I was unsurprised to see Taylor already waiting, leaning against another of the Audi SUVs. Dressed in his usual black suit, and appearing nonchalant eating an apple, I was reassured he would help keep the situation under control. Discarding the core into a conveniently located trash can, he came over to open the back door of our car and to help Ana out.

"Your father called," Taylor explained before I could ask.

"Is Mia here yet?"

"She and Mr. Rodriguez arrived a few minutes ago," Taylor confirmed, walking in front of us to the external security door.

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