Chapter 30

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"Did Elliot have much to say?" Kate asked on Monday afternoon. With Christian still at work, I was at Escala back from getting Teddy's vaccinations.

I paused wondering how much information to give away. Elliot had arrived at Bellevue late, and clearly depressed. He'd looked so despondent, even Mia had cut him some slack. After formally announcing to the family what we already knew – that the wedding was off – he sat sullenly over lunch only speaking when spoken to. The only time he'd shown any animation was after lunch when he asked to speak to Christian and me privately.

In Carrick's office, Elliot apologized to us both for the drama his drunken actions had caused. He'd reiterated that he could not remember what happened but acknowledged that regardless he needed to take responsibility for his actions. After assuring us that we didn't need to worry about construction on our home, and that he'd be working on it as a matter of priority, he led the conversation around to his purchase of the block next but one to ours in Medina.

Christian and I had already discussed taking over the purchase if Elliot was unable or unwilling to follow through, but he assured us he wanted to proceed. He no longer wanted to live in the condo he'd shared with Kate and outlined how he intended to build a boathouse with a studio apartment above for him to live in while he considered his plans for the rest of the block.

"He didn't say much," I replied carefully.

"Mia said he asked to speak with you and Christian privately?" Kate challenged. Shit. I'd forgotten Mia was staying at Ethan's and would be reporting everything back to Kate.

"Yes. He apologized for everything. He said he still can't remember what happened, but he's willing to take responsibility and he's sorry."

"How did he seem?" Kate asked in a whisper.

"Subdued," I admitted. "He regrets what happened very much."

Kate sighed.

"I know he does. I just don't think I can trust him again."

"Honey, I'm home!" Christian called out, seconds after the elevator bell chimed

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"Honey, I'm home!" Christian called out, seconds after the elevator bell chimed.

He needn't have announced himself; the second I'd heard the bell I'd gone racing across the great room and jumped in the air, grinning as my husband dropped his briefcase and caught me, spinning me around in the air before kissing me soundly.

"Not that I'm complaining, but what's this for?" Christian asked as I loosened his tie and kissed behind his ear, making my way down to the underside of his jaw.

"Aren't I allowed to miss my husband?" I asked, wiggling against him a little with my legs clasped around his hips.

"If this is how you greet me, you can miss me as much as you like," Christian replied with a grin.

"Teddy's asleep," I mentioned, my voice a breathy moan. "I've only just put him down. I'm trying to see how he sleeps in his own room." The words were said innocuously, however my husband grasped my meaning.

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