Chapter 49

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The second we leveled off, and our pilot Stephan informed us we could move about the cabin, I stood holding my hand out to Anastasia. Accepting, she unbuckled her seatbelt, and we walked over to where Gail, Taylor, and McIntyre sat with our son.

I'd been worried about flying and our son's ears, so during the week, Ana had called Dr. Blaine who suggested the swallow action was the easiest way to ease any discomfort associated with pressure changes. Since I was uncomfortable having Teddy out of his car seat during takeoff, we'd decided to give him a bottle of expressed breast milk. Teddy preferred his milk from his mother's breast and wouldn't take a bottle if Anastasia was in sight, so we'd tasked Gail to feed him a warmed bottle during takeoff while Ana and I sat out of eyesight a little further back. Full and happy, Teddy was now out for the count in his car seat which had been safely installed next to Gail's seat.

"Gail? Can you keep an eye on Teddy, please? He should sleep for at least the next hour or two," my wife asked, giving our housekeeper a meaningful look.

"Of course," Gail replied with a happy grin. Anastasia had explained she'd asked Gail to help with our son during the Detroit trip; not that our housekeeper seemed to mind! In fact, Gail looked thrilled to be accompanying us on our journey. With no further conversation, I led Anastasia back to the bedroom at the rear of the jet. As soon as the door to the main cabin closed, I had my wife pressed up against it, hiking her modest knee-length skirt up to her waist.

"I need you," I groaned as I unbuttoned my fly, pulling down my zipper, my fingers then finding their way to my wife's panty-covered core.

"I know," she reassured me, pushing me away slightly but taking the sting out by stepping out of my embrace and pulling me over toward the bed. Wasting no time divesting her clothing, Anastasia flopped back onto the bed, nude other than a carnal expression. "Take your clothes off," she demanded, her baby blues flashing in challenge.

"Yes," I hissed in acquiescence, pulling my sweater off before ditching my jeans and boxer briefs and standing naked at the foot of the bed. "Baby? I'm out of sorts... Do you think maybe..."

"You need me to submit?" she replied, giving me a knowing look. "Check your carry on."

My interest piqued, I moved to my leather cabin-bag that one of the staff had thoughtfully placed to one side of the bedroom. Opening the zip, on top I found a pair of handcuffs, a coil of soft cotton rope, a bead-tipped flogger, a tube of jasmine scented lube and Ana's favorite butt plug.

"You're willing to play? In Detroit? Here?!" I asked my cock swelling even harder at the thought. I didn't give a fuck if my staff knew I was balls deep in my wife. Hell; a possessive part of me liked every male Ana came into contact with knowing I thoroughly satisfied my woman and that she'd never want to stray. A more rational part of me recognized Anastasia could never look any of our staff in the eye again if they heard her cum.

"I am, Sir," my wife agreed, moving off the bed and kneeling beside it with her palms on her knees face up, and her eyes downcast. Rolling my shoulders, I stood more erect; my demeanor changing as I stepped into my Dom mode.

"Stand," I ordered my voice firm. Anastasia complied without hesitation, sinuously raising into an upright position, her eyes still focused on the ground.

"I am going to handcuff you to the bedhead. Then I will spank you. Finally, I am going to put in your butt plug and fuck you. HARD. If you're silent, I will let you cum. Do you understand, Anastasia?"

"I understand," my wife replied in a breathy moan.

"What are your safe words, baby?"

"Yellow and red, Sir."

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