Chapter 28

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It was hard to remember that Gail had spent more time at the Aspen house than I had. I'd only spent a long weekend here, whereas she and Taylor had enjoyed almost a fortnight here when Christian and I honeymooned.

As soon as the GEH plane touched down, Mr. Bentley met us in a van. We'd left direct from The Herbfarm, so had minimal luggage with us other than Teddy's bassinet and pram. I wasn't sure how long we intended to stay, but I had enough for Teddy for a few days, and if the rest of us needed anything, there were shops here.

Before long we pulled up to the Aspen house. Last time I visited there had been heavy snow, so it was different seeing the house at this time of year. It was just as beautiful although in a different way.

Mrs. Bentley greeted us at the door, welcoming us inside to refreshments and fresh baked savory muffins. Coming to admire Teddy, she also greeted Gail fondly. I hadn't considered there could be professional rivalry between the two women, but that did not seem to be the case. If anything, they greeted each other as old friends.

Mr. Bentley and McIntyre took our luggage upstairs while Kate and Gail took Teddy through to the main room downstairs, leaving me to run through things with Mrs. Bentley.

"Mrs. Grey? I've put Mrs. Taylor in one of the guest rooms on the first floor, and the same with Ms. Kavanagh if that suits?"

I nodded. There were separate staff quarters here where the security staff would stay, but in this situation, Gail was more of a guest. Besides which, it made sense she was close by if I needed help with Teddy.

"Mr. Grey rang earlier and asked me to prepare for Master Grey. I have diapers in his size and a range of baby supplies for him and a bouncer."

I almost moaned in relief. We hadn't packed his bouncer for the weekend away, but if we stayed here more than a day or two, a bouncer would be a huge help as it gave me somewhere to put him down other than his pram.

"He also said you'd be traveling with a bassinet? Would you like me to have it set up in the master suite?"

"Yes, thank you, Mrs. Bentley. And thank you for preparing to receive us on such short notice, I appreciate it. I don't expect we'll be leaving the house. I anticipate a few days playing with Teddy, watching chic flicks and eating comfort food."

"That's fine, Mrs. Grey. We're well stocked, and if you need anything specific, please tell me." The older woman smiled at me sympathetically, and I appreciated Christian had appraised her of the situation. I really should message him and let him know we'd arrived. He'd been so thoughtful to make sure everything was ready for us, and he'd worry if he didn't hear from us, so I whipped out my phone and switched it on, surprised there were not a raft of messages waiting.

Arrived in Aspen. Mrs. Bentley has everything prepared for a few quiet days.

I was about to press send when I appreciated my message sounded cold. So, before I sent it, I added:

Thank you for arranging everything for our arrival. It was very thoughtful. How is everything going there?

Sending the message, I moved into the living room where Kate had installed herself on a sofa while Gail had Teddy near one of the windows, holding him up to peer outside.

"Ma'am? Do you have any plans to go out tonight?" McIntyre asked, coming into the room.

My eyes met Kate's, and I could see she was in no state to go anywhere.

"No, thank you. We'll stay in this evening."


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