Chapter 18

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"Are you sure you're ok with me working today?" Christian asked for the second time as I leaned back against him nursing Teddy. The 7:00 am feed was my favorite of the day. Overnight I kept the lights low and the feeds strictly business in an attempt to teach Teddy night time was for sleeping. But the first feed of the morning was cuddle time for the three of us.

"If you're firing that woman, I'm sure," I replied. Now I'd considered it, I was all for Christian firing the bitch who'd set her sights on him. A full night with Christian beside me had done wonders for my mood. Sure, I still felt like I'd never sleep through the night again but snuggling in bed with my two favorite guys made it worth it.

"So, what are your plans for the day?" Christian asked, kissing the side of my neck.

"Hmm... Firstly, I'll ring and smooth things over with Kate, then I'll ring your mother and give her the heads up on why Kate is upset. Then I'll ring Dr. Blaine and book Teddy in for Friday."

"And you're sure about that?" Christian checked.

"I guess so," I said with a soft sigh. I still didn't consider circumcision medically necessary, and when I'd spoken with Ray about it, he'd agreed. But he'd also pointed out I had to take Christian's point of view into consideration, and given Teddy was Christian's only known biological relative, it made sense he might feel strongly about them being the same. In the end, I decided to pick my battles, so last night we'd discussed the issue again, and I'd agreed that since it meant so much to Christian, we'd have Teddy circumcised.

"When you have the time, let Andrea know so she can put it in my diary. I'm hoping to get enough done today and tomorrow so I can take all Friday off, but if I can't, I will definitely be there for that and I'll work from home afterward."

"Ok. Do you think you will have to go to Taiwan?"

Christian sighed, dropping his chin onto my shoulder. "I'm hoping to avoid it, but realistically I will probably have to go."

"How long?"

"A couple of days there plus travel. Maybe longer." He sounded so sad. I would have liked to go with him, but Dr. Greene and Dr. Blaine had both recommended delaying unnecessary travel until at least six weeks after birth. Besides, Christian would work the whole time, so it seemed pointless to subject Teddy to a long flight and changing time zones when it's not like we'd have a chance to explore Taiwan.

"Well if you have to, you have to," I said, trying to put the best spin on things. "Teddy and I will be here waiting for you to come home to us."

"I hate even contemplating leaving you both," Christian murmured, nuzzling at my neck.

"I know," I replied, and I did.

I'd finished feeding Teddy, so I scooted forward handing him to Christian to burp. Every day Teddy was becoming more aware of the world around him. He loved watching his mobile above his crib, and he'd turn his head to my voice, and Christian's, when he heard us.

"I still can't believe we made him," Christian said, kissing Teddy on the forehead. "I mean look at him. He's half you, half me. And he's perfect!"

 And he's perfect!"

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