Chapter 55

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Work was a complete cluster fuck. After meeting with the auditor and forensic accountant, Ros and I had drawn up a list of people within GEH who needed investigation. Thankfully, the list was short. Unfortunately, every single one was a person I'd thought I could trust.

Ros was in a shitty mood because all her work on the deal was now in vain and, worse, she had to start from scratch putting together a proposal for another company. And to add to what was already a shitty morning, Taylor used the car ride to a lunch meeting at the Mile High Club to raise he thought Gail was working too hard, and that he was unhappy about it.

"I know Taylor," I said, fighting to keep exasperation from my voice. "Ana was planning to talk to Gail about it today."

"Ok," Taylor said with a nod, appearing mollified.

My lunch meeting went well until I was walking out of the private dining room and spotted a former submissive sitting a few tables away. A marketing manager at a local cosmetics firm, she was obviously having a business lunch. Our eyes met, and we both looked away without greeting or acknowledging one another, but it was enough to sour my already pissy mood.

"Taylor? Where is Anastasia?" I asked in the elevator to the underground garage.

"Sawyer and Clarke are with Mrs. Grey and Teddy at playgroup."

I sighed. There went my idea of popping home to surprise my two favorite people.

"Is there something else?" I asked, noticing Taylor's face.

"Yes. Gail said after Ana and Teddy left for playgroup, Ms. Kavanagh tried to make contact via the house phone again."

"Back to Grey House," I ordered. Katherine Kavanagh had just brought herself back to the forefront of my attention again. I spent the ride back to the office pondering what to do about the Kavanagh clan, meanwhile determined to churn through as much work as I could so I could get home to my wife and son at a decent hour. I was also wracking my brain what to do for our first wedding anniversary and Anastasia's birthday. With less than ten days to go, I needed to come up with the goods!

"Hey!  You're home earlier than I expected," Anastasia said with a smile when  Taylor and I walked through the door at 5:30

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"Hey! You're home earlier than I expected," Anastasia said with a smile when Taylor and I walked through the door at 5:30. She was sitting cross-legged on the rug next to Teddy who was on his tummy. "See, Teddy! Daddy's home!"

Sitting on the rug in front of Ted, I held out my hands trying to encourage him to scoot toward me. He was trying, but he'd yet to master the skill, so instead, I scooped him up and laid myself flat, my head in Ana's lap, Teddy tummy-down on my chest.

"This is the life," I sighed in contentment as Anastasia stroked my hair. "Did you have a good day?"

"Not bad. We met up with Sonia and Asha at playgroup then went to lunch. While Teddy had his afternoon nap, I messaged your Mom, Mia, and Elliot inviting everyone over for dinner tomorrow night. Then Ray rang. He's back in Montesano, but will be in Seattle for your Mom's Labor Day party, However he wants to drop by and see me before Monday."

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