Chapter 14

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As promised, Oprah's team had the first edit of the interview over first thing Sunday morning. I didn't want to see it, but Christian insisted, so the two of us ended up sitting and watching it in the media room as I nursed Teddy. It was a good chance to feed when my father was not around. Ray wasn't a prude, but I'd noted the way he'd turn away and avoid eye contact when I was nursing my son. While he adored being a grandfather, I appreciated he struggled with that aspect of me being a mother.

Overall, I didn't hate the interview, but there was one point where I scrunched my nose weirdly that I wanted removed. Christian insisted it was cute. I insisted it went.

Despite the early hour, legal were assembled at Grey House watching simultaneously. Other than a small part from the abduction section they vetoed, they were ok to go with Oprah's proposed edit.

"Do you think it will help?" I asked, checking out Christian as he played with our son, bouncing him gently and pulling over-exaggerated faces. Teddy was milk-drunk and didn't seem too interested in his Daddy's actions, but that didn't deter my husband.

"It better. They're already running the promos for tonight. If those fuckers don't back off, I'll hire a hundred security and enforce a mile-wide exclusion zone around Escala!"

"Christian!" I hissed, both at the possibility of such an over the top action and his language. "You need to stop swearing around our son! I don't want his first word to be, well... you know!"

"He's not yet two weeks old," Christian smirked, rolling his eyes at me, "I don't think he'll be picking anything up, yet."

"Still. You need to rein it in," I insisted.

"Are you going to make a swear jar, Mrs. Grey?" he teased, raising his eyebrows at me. "Make sure you warn me, so I can stock up on hundreds."

I glowered at my husband, knowing he was right. A monetary deterrent would be of absolutely no use with him.

"No... I am going to issue you with a red card. Every time you swear in front of our son, you'll get a time out."

"Like in soccer?"

"Exactly like in soccer, Mr. Grey. If you get a red card, then you're out of play for twenty-four hours," I said giving my husband my best no-nonsense stare.

"You wouldn't?!" Christian whined when he caught my meaning, staring at me aghast.

"Just try me," I challenged, raising my eyebrows and cocking my head with a determined grin. "I mean it, Christian! I won't let my son learn to have a potty-mouth!"

"A potty-mouth?!" he snapped. "What does that even mean?!"

"You're a smart guy; figure it out," I replied, lifting Teddy from him and wandering out to the great room, finding Ray seated at the table there.

"Here's Papa Ray!" I cooed, handing our sleepy son over to my Daddy before heading into the kitchen to cook us all a light breakfast. After the stress of yesterday, I'd insisted Gail and Taylor have the entire day off, so I was on breakfast duty this morning.

 After the  stress of yesterday, I'd insisted Gail and Taylor have the entire day  off, so I was on breakfast duty this morning

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