Chapter 17

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"What the fuck?" I snap, causing several of my employees to take a step back. They knew my moods to be mercurial, and no one wanted to be on the receiving end of my ire. Ana went off to change Teddy, and the next thing, Taylor is coming over to me to alert me she has demanded McIntyre take her and Teddy home.

"They left ten minutes ago," Taylor said, his expression unreadable as my face darkened.

"Ok, let's go." I gesture to Ros who comes across and I explain I am leaving now. We'd been here an hour and hey – I was paying for this gig; I'd leave any damn time I wanted! Walking to the lift with Taylor I said a few goodbyes, but the expression on my face alone was enough to put most people off.

"Did McIntyre say why she left?" I ask once we were alone in the elevator.

"No. Just that she seemed upset and was insistent they leave."

I sighed. The last twenty-four hours had been hell and now this. In the garage Taylor led us to one of the GEH fleet vehicles. Serviceable and immaculately clean, it wasn't my Audi, and that added to my sense of discombobulation. All I wanted was one peaceful day with my wife and son – was that too much to ask?!

We pulled into the Escala basement, and I'll admit it relieved me to see my Audi in its usual spot. At least Ana had brought Teddy home. Taking a deep breath, and reining in my temper, I followed Taylor to the elevator, punching in the passcode then ascending to the penthouse.

"Mr. Grey," Gail greeted as soon as I crossed the threshold, a knowing glimmer in her eye.

"Gail. Where are Anastasia and Teddy?"

"Mrs. Grey is in the master bedroom with Theodore and Mrs. Adams."

Nodding in reply, I set off up the stairs determined to get to the bottom of what had upset my wife. Approaching the door to our room, Carla slipped out. Seeing me, she held a finger up to her lips in a sign to be quiet.

"Teddy's asleep. Anastasia's exhausted and cried herself out," she whispered, urging me away from the door. "She's sleeping, too."

"She left our party? Didn't even tell me she was leaving!" I whisper hissed. "What the hell is going on?!"

"I couldn't get much out of her," Carla admitted. "Please, Christian. Let her sleep. I'm sure she'll be ready to talk when she's had rest."

Half  an hour later I was sitting in my study when I heard the elevator bell  ding

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Half an hour later I was sitting in my study when I heard the elevator bell ding. I wasn't expecting visitors, so it surprised me to see Ray Steele enter the apartment.

"Carla," Ray greeted cordially.

"Thanks for coming, Ray," my mother-in-law said so softly I almost didn't hear her. "I tried everything, but she wouldn't open up to me. But you've always had a way with her..."

"Leave it with me," Ray's stoic voice announced, then he took the stairs up to the master bedroom. I stepped back into the study so Carla wouldn't see me, meanwhile worrying about what the hell was so wrong that Carla considered it necessary to call Ray?

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