Chapter 52

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"Mia, it's Ana," I said. "It's been a hell of a day and Christian is resting."

"Mom said you're in Detroit meeting Christian's birth father?! Is that true?"

"It is."

"What the hell? When did this happen? How long has he known? And why did no one tell me?!"

"Very recently, and it wasn't a secret – we just haven't seen you and it's not the sort of thing to discuss over the phone."

"So everyone else knew?" Mia wailed. I switched her onto speaker, not that there was much need; she was shouting so loud Christian could hear every word.

"Grace, Carrick, and Elliot were aware," I confirmed. "I'm in the bath, Mia. I've put you on speaker, so I don't drop the phone."

"Where's Christian?" Mia asked suspiciously.

Holding my finger up to my lips and looking at my man I replied, "He's in the bedroom sleeping, as is Teddy. Like I said; it's been a long emotional day."

"I can't believe he didn't tell me," Mia said, crying. "There was a time when Christian told me everything!" She didn't come out and say it, but the implication was there. She meant before I came along.

"We haven't seen you in weeks, Mia. Christian is not excluding you – he's just had a lot on his plate. You need to remember, your brother is running a multi-billion-dollar business, he's making sure he's an active, present husband and father and he's been supporting Elliot as he goes through the breakup with Kate." My implication was also there. Mia didn't have the responsibilities Christian did; she was a spoiled trust-fund baby who relied on handouts from her parents and brothers to maintain a largely indolent lifestyle.

Taking a breath, I calmed myself.

"Christian will no doubt call you or see you once we're back and tell you everything."

"Can't you tell me?" she urged.

"It's not my place, Mia. This whole process has been hugely emotional for Christian. He'll share with you when he's ready."

"Mom said he has another sister, now?"

"That's for Christian to discuss with you," I replied firmly. "You said you were visiting your parents? Is Grace there?"

Appreciating I had dismissed her, Mia called out to her mother, summoning her to the phone.

"Ana? I'm so sorry. When Mia came over, we thought she knew about Christian's search for information about his birth mother and your trip to Detroit!"

"It's fine, Grace. Christian had planned to call you, but he's fallen asleep. I was taking a bath then I was going to ring you."

"How did it go?" my mother-in-law whispered sounding nervous.

"It was ok. David really is Christian twenty years on," I said, smiling at my husband as he nodded, acknowledging he, too, could see the resemblance. "There's no doubt he is Christian's biological father, and he could tell Christian his mother's proper name. They were high school sweethearts."

Grace sobbed. "I'm so thrilled to hear that," she sighed, unaware Christian could hear everything she said. "Christian has always assumed the worst about everything. Hearing his birth parents cared for each other must be such a relief to him!"

"It's been an interesting day," I replied, not wanting to reveal too much or speak on Christian's behalf. "It went well. We had two meetings with David and his daughter Aisling. We're not meeting tomorrow as the counselor has recommended a day off for reflection. So far, though, so good."

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