Chapter 12

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"Absolutely not!" Christian snapped immediately. "There are media three-deep at the garage and the front doors. You've been back less than twenty-four hours... I won't allow it!"

"You what?!" I gave Christian my most pointed stare. Despite his fears about what happened, if Christian thought he could ban me from going where and when I wanted, he had another thing coming.

"Mrs. Grey, I have to agree with Mr. Grey's assessment of the situation," Taylor said, stepping in to fill the tense silence between my husband and me. "It's a circus out there. I had the full security team, plus the team from Escala, and we struggled to get Dr. Greene in and out. If we can, I'd like to limit trips to the necessary for the next few days. The press are fighting for the first pictures of you and Master Grey, and they're ruthless. I'd hate for anyone to get hurt."

And just like that my plans to visit Luke were shot down. I hadn't considered the press. He didn't point it out, but I nonetheless got Taylor's message. Luke had been injured protecting me; the last thing I wanted was for Reynolds, Ryan, Prescott, the new hires or anyone from the Escala team to be hurt because I wanted to visit Sawyer.

"Fine," I replied a little petulantly, seating myself on the sofa.

"I've been visiting Sawyer every evening," Gail announced. "The nurses are lovely and I've gotten to know some of them quite well. I'm sure if I called the hospital, one of them would be kind enough to give me their cell number so I could call and you can facetime him?"

"But he's not awake, is he?"

"No. The doctors are keeping him sedated as he recovers, but his prognosis is excellent. They told me sometimes patients can hear when they're sedated, so I talked to him. Last I heard they were planning to ease off the sedatives in the next day or two."

I nodded. I felt horribly guilty I was not there for Sawyer, but facetime was better than nothing.

"That sounds like a workaround until you can visit in person," Taylor encouraged.

"Ok. But I want to visit him as soon as possible. Luke was hurt protecting Teddy and me. I want him to know how indebted we are to him."

I glanced up at Christian only to notice him looking pissed off.

"What, Christian?" I asked.

"Sawyer obviously didn't do a good enough job considering they abducted you on his watch!"

"I beg your pardon?" I hissed, narrowing my eyes, pissed at my husband for the second time in as many minutes. No one was to blame for the abduction other than Hyde. If Christian intended to hold this against Luke, then he'd hear about it from me. Big time!

"Hyde circumvented hospital staff, security and our own team. He took Teddy and me halfway across the country undetected! The guy is as crazy as, but he's cunning and smart. Luke did nothing wrong. He did his utmost to protect Teddy and me, and he could have died as a result! If you have issues you need to resolve, do it now, Grey. Because if not today, then in the next few days, we will go to visit Luke, together. And when we do, the only words I want to hear out of your lips to him are 'thank you!'"

I would have liked to have stood and stomped from the room, but thanks to the low sofas, and my incision site, getting up unaided was beyond me. Appreciating my quandary, Gail came to my aid.

"Would you like to step into the library and we can call the hospital?" she asked, coming to stand beside me, offering me her hand.

"Thank you, Gail," I replied giving Christian an arctic look. While Gail was far too professional to do likewise, I noticed she wouldn't meet Christian's eye as she helped me out of the great room. If I had to guess, if he didn't pick up his game, he'd be served humble pie for lunch...

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